Agenda item

City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

Report of the Executive Director Neighbourhood Services



The Head of Communities introduced this item which set out the current position regarding anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the city centre and seeks approval of a draft Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and approval to consult the public and other stakeholders on the introduction of the PSPO.



RESOLVED: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-


1.     Approves the proposed draft Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for the purposes of carrying out public and stakeholder consultation on the introduction of a PSPO in Sheffield City Centre.

2.     Approve carrying out public and stakeholder consultation on the introduction of a PSPO in Sheffield City Centre and on the draft PSPO.


Reasons for Decision


The evidence demonstrates a need to change the existing approach to controlling anti-social behaviour in the City Centre. The introduction of a PSPO would give the Council and SYP Officers additional powers to adopt a new approach. The introduction of a PSPO alongside an enforcement framework that focuses on harm reduction could have positive outcomes for some of the City’s most vulnerable residents. The Government’s Statutory Guidance recommends that councils engage in an open and public consultation to give the users of the public space the opportunity to comment on whether the proposed restriction or restrictions of a PSPO are appropriate, proportionate or needed at all. The Council should also ensure that specific groups likely to have a particular interest are consulted. A further report will be produced in due course with recommendations about whether or not to make a PSPO based on the outcomes of the consultation.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not to consider a PSPO and continue with the current response to ASB in the city centre - This is the ‘do nothing’ option.


The current approach is to target the most entrenched individuals, initially to engage and support and if unsuccessful to seek legal orders. This approach is limited to those identified and recognised as complex or entrenched and does not allow for immediate intervention or enforcement action on unknown persons. The current approach does not allow for wider prevention work.


A PSPO would support the identification of individuals requiring essential support or safeguarding. Additionally for those individuals against whom legal action is being sought, for example, a CBO or injunctions, the mapped PSPO zone could form part of the exclusions or restrictions of those orders.


The evidence provided in section 1.3 demonstrates that the ASB issues identified are persistent and have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality. An alternative approach is needed to affect a reduction in the level of ASB and therefore the do nothing option has been discounted.




The Head of Communities accompanied by South Yorkshire Police and other Officers, introduced this item which set out the current position regarding anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the city centre and sought approval of a draft Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and approval to consult the public and other stakeholders on the introduction of the PSPO.


The Committees attention was drawn to a change in the wording of the recommendations, and these were displayed on the Webcast for the public to see.



Some discussion took place and Members gave comments and asked questions. Officer and South Yorkshire Police responses were provided surrounding consultation process, definitions, impact factors and funding.



RESOLVED: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-


1.     Approves the proposed draft Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for the purposes of carrying out public and stakeholder consultation on the introduction of a PSPO in Sheffield City Centre.

2.     Approves carrying out public and stakeholder consultation on the introduction of a PSPO in Sheffield City Centre.


(NOTE: The result of the vote on the resolution was FOR – 6 Members; AGAINST – 2 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 1 Member).


Reasons for Decision


The evidence demonstrates a need to change the existing approach to controlling anti-social behaviour in the City Centre. The introduction of a PSPO would give the Council and SYP Officers additional powers to adopt a new approach. The introduction of a PSPO alongside an enforcement framework that focuses on harm reduction could have positive outcomes for some of the City’s most vulnerable residents. The Government’s Statutory Guidance recommends that councils engage in an open and public consultation to give the users of the public space the opportunity to comment on whether the proposed restriction or restrictions of a PSPO are appropriate, proportionate or needed at all. The Council should also ensure that specific groups likely to have a particular interest are consulted. A further report will be produced in due course with recommendations about whether or not to make a PSPO based on the outcomes of the consultation.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not to consider a PSPO and continue with the current response to ASB in the city centre - This is the ‘do nothing’ option.


The current approach is to target the most entrenched individuals, initially to engage and support and if unsuccessful to seek legal orders. This approach is limited to those identified and recognised as complex or entrenched and does not allow for immediate intervention or enforcement action on unknown persons. The current approach does not allow for wider prevention work.


A PSPO would support the identification of individuals requiring essential support or safeguarding. Additionally for those individuals against whom legal action is being sought, for example, a CBO or injunctions, the mapped PSPO zone could form part of the exclusions or restrictions of those orders.


The evidence provided in section 1.3 demonstrates that the ASB issues identified are persistent and have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality. An alternative approach is needed to affect a reduction in the level of ASB and therefore the do nothing option has been discounted.


Supporting documents: