Report of Huda Ahmed, East Local Area Committee Manager
5.1 |
The Committee considered a report of the Community Services Manager on the funding allocated to the East Local Area Committee for 2023-24 and the proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2023-24 in line with the East Local Area Committee Community Plan. |
5.2 |
RESOLVED: That the East Local Area Committee:-
(i) notes the expenditure against the 2023/24 £100,000 budget allocated to spend on projects that work towards implementing the East LAC Community Plan priorities as set out in Appendix 1 to this report;
(ii) authorises the following expenditure from the £100,000 project budget for the purposes described in the report:
(a) £5001 to Woodthorpe Tenants and Residents Association. (b) £15,680 to The Link Community Hub; and
(iii)notes the expenditure against the 2023/24 £38.550 East Cost of Living fund, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report. |
5.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
This report is in line with the East Local Area Committee decisions of 11 October 2023 regarding expenditure of its 2023/24 budgets, as detailed in appendix 1 and appendix 2 of the report. |
5.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
Decisions on any expenditure above the existing authority to the Community Services Manager could be reserved to the Local Area Committee, but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.
All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers. However, this would restrict and undermine the Local Area Committee’s ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan. |
Supporting documents: