Agenda item

Norton Nurseries

Report of the Executive Director – Neighbourhood Services



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services seeking to approve the commissioning of a suitable operator to carry out food growing activity within the Glass Houses at Norton Nurseries, Graves Park. The committee was asked to note the requirements that needed to be met prior to the grant of this Licence agreement and concession agreement (as detailed in the Legal Implications section of the report).


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-

1. Approves the proposed commissioning of an operator to deliver food growing within the glass houses at Norton Nurseries for up to 5 years.

2. Delegates authority to the Director of Parks Leisure and Libraries in consultation with the Chief Property Officer and General Counsel to grant a concession agreement and license to occupy space within the Glass Houses incorporating a right of access over land within Graves Park for the chosen operator in accordance with this report.




Reasons for Decision


Enabling food growing within the glass houses would further the charitable objects of the Graves Park Charity by;

·       Bringing a special, historic and important facility back into use.

·       Contribute to Sheffield’s ambitions around the food system and food growing and thereby improve the lives of the people of Sheffield.

·       Bringing much needed investment to the glass houses to reduce the risk of them falling in to a worse state of repair.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


There is an option to do nothing which would risk the glass houses falling into

further disrepair. Doing nothing would not further the Charity’s objectives and

an opportunity to benefit the lives of the public through a contribution to

ambitions and commitments in the Food Strategy would be missed.


There is an option to offer a long lease to an operator, but it is believed this would not be in the best interests of the Graves Park Charity at this early stage. Therefore, a proposal for a concession with a licence is recommended so the impact and success of the project can be assessed and reviewed.




The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services seeking to approve the commissioning of a suitable operator to carry out food growing activity within the Glass Houses at Norton Nurseries, Graves Park. The committee was asked to note the requirements that needed to be met prior to the grant of this Licence agreement and concession agreement (as detailed in the Legal Implications section of the report).


Discussion took place around the potential benefits of social engagement and connecting communities in addition to maintaining the historic glass houses, subject to people being able to access the site in a safe way.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-

1. Approves the proposed commissioning of an operator to deliver food growing within the glass houses at Norton Nurseries for up to 5 years.

2. Delegates authority to the Director of Parks Leisure and Libraries in consultation with the Chief Property Officer and General Counsel to grant a concession agreement and license to occupy space within the Glass Houses incorporating a right of access over land within Graves Park for the chosen operator in accordance with this report.




Reasons for Decision


Enabling food growing within the glass houses would further the charitable objects of the Graves Park Charity by;

·       Bringing a special, historic and important facility back into use.

·       Contribute to Sheffield’s ambitions around the food system and food growing and thereby improve the lives of the people of Sheffield.

·       Bringing much needed investment to the glass houses to reduce the risk of them falling in to a worse state of repair.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


There is an option to do nothing which would risk the glass houses falling into

further disrepair. Doing nothing would not further the Charity’s objectives and

an opportunity to benefit the lives of the public through a contribution to

ambitions and commitments in the Food Strategy would be missed.


There is an option to offer a long lease to an operator, but it is believed this would not be in the best interests of the Graves Park Charity at this early stage. Therefore, a proposal for a concession with a licence is recommended so the impact and success of the project can be assessed and reviewed.


Supporting documents: