Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Head of Policy and Partnerships


































The Committee considered a report of the Head of Policy and Partnerships concerning its work programme.


The Policy and Improvement Officer (Alice Nicholson) gave an update on the programme and highlighted the key areas for Members attention.


Members of the committee made comments and suggestions relating to the work programme, as follows:


The Chair advised that arrangements for the  Citizen Participation Group would come back to the March meeting of the Governance Committee.  Suggestions had been made regarding appropriate people to be involved and meeting were currently taking place with those people.


Councillor Paul Turpin proposed that SRA’s for external body appointments should be included on the Committee’s work programme.  The Chair advised that a discussion would be had regarding this at the next pre-meeting.


Councillor Mike Levery requested a review of the role of Finance Committee, this was not currently on the work plan.  The General Counsel advised that this could be picked up as a discrete constitution change as this was in the Governance Committee’s remit.


It was also suggested that the review of LAC’s should be added to the programme.  The Chair agreed that this would be discussed in the next pre-meeting.




1) that the Committee’s work programme , as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed, including any additions and amendments or items to be confirmed identified in Part 1;


2) the Committee notes the progress and indications of items which need more intensive work (eg. Citizen involvement, task and finish groups, policy review and development work) and consider implications for prioritisation of Governance Committee’s forward workplan;


3) the Committee considers any further issues to be explored by officers for inclusion on the future iteration of the work programme.



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