Agenda item

Employment and Skills Strategy Update

Report of the Executive Director City Futures


Report to Follow



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures providing an update on the project to deliver an Employment and Skills Strategy, as previously instructed by the committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


·       Notes the appointment of KADA Research and Ekosgen to develop the Employment & Skills Strategy for Sheffield

·       Notes the revised project timeline, pledged outcomes and milestones

·       Confirms the composition of the Member Task and Finish Group as each of the Groups Spokespersons or their nominated representative and that the Chair be elected by the Task and Finish Group at their first meeting

·       Approves the suggested checkpoints for direct engagement with the Task and Finish Group and review.




Reasons for Decision




This report provides an update on the progress made and its recommendations are based on the decisions of Wednesday 15 March 2023, when the EDSC resolved unanimously that the committee:

1.    Approves the creation of an Employment and Skills Advisory Board.

2.    Approves the development of an Employment and Skills strategy for Sheffield and the initial policy areas to be considered in the development of the strategy to be led by the Employment and Skills Advisory Board, as set out in this report.

3.    Notes that green jobs and skills are a critical part of the employment and skills strategy.

4.    Establishes a task and finish group composed of members of the committee, with at least one representative from each of the political parties, to receive regular updates and feedback from the Advisory Board.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




There were no alternatives considered.






The committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures providing an update on the project to deliver an Employment and Skills Strategy, as previously instructed by the committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


·       Notes the appointment of KADA Research and Ekosgen to develop the Employment & Skills Strategy for Sheffield

·       Notes the revised project timeline, pledged outcomes and milestones

·       Confirms the composition of the Member Task and Finish Group as each of the Groups Spokespersons or their nominated representative and that the Chair be elected by the Task and Finish Group at their first meeting

·       Approves the suggested checkpoints for direct engagement with the Task and Finish Group and review.




Reasons for Decision




This report provides an update on the progress made and its recommendations are based on the decisions of Wednesday 15 March 2023, when the EDSC resolved unanimously that the committee:

1.    Approves the creation of an Employment and Skills Advisory Board.

2.    Approves the development of an Employment and Skills strategy for Sheffield and the initial policy areas to be considered in the development of the strategy to be led by the Employment and Skills Advisory Board, as set out in this report.

3.    Notes that green jobs and skills are a critical part of the employment and skills strategy.

4.    Establishes a task and finish group composed of members of the committee, with at least one representative from each of the political parties, to receive regular updates and feedback from the Advisory Board.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




There were no alternatives considered.




Supporting documents: