Agenda item

Parkwood Levelling Up Fund Acceptance

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures providing the context for a recommendation to accept government grant offers from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) of £19,389,336 for Parkwood as part of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF). This would fund the project through further feasibility, design and delivery.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


Approves Sheffield City Council acting as the accountable body for £19,389,336 of Levelling Up Fund round 3 funding from DLUHC, in relation to Parkwood Springs, subject to the key terms, responsibilities and risks in the final Memorandum of Understanding being the same as those summarised in the report.




Reasons for Decision




The preferred option, to accept the funding and deliver the projects within the bid, takes advantage of an opportunity to regenerate a key part of the city. The funding will allow us to deliver improvements that residence, business owners and other key stakeholders are keen to see happen and will make a real difference to the local communities.


It is therefore recommended to approve Sheffield City Council acting as the accountable body for Levelling Up Fund 3 Parkwood Springs subject to the key terms, responsibilities and risks in the final grant agreement being the same as those summarised in this Report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing

Not accepting LUF funding would mean foregoing the opportunity to deliver significant capital interventions in Parkwood and the associated economic, environmental and social benefits. No benefits would be delivered along with no contribution to the Council plan.

If the proposed programme does not come to fruition, the impact will be a continued decline in areas that have already suffered years of economic and social deterioration. These areas cannot continue to be ignored, if this funding is lost alternative funding will need to be sought to allow the necessary investment to be made to support the regeneration of these parts of the city.




Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures providing the context for a recommendation to accept government grant offers from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) of £19,389,336 for Parkwood as part of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF). This would fund the project through further feasibility, design and delivery.




The committee heard that a stakeholder group had been created and the first meeting had taken place. There was still opportunity for others to join the group. An area board would also be established and newsletters to update on progress were being considered.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


Approves Sheffield City Council acting as the accountable body for £19,389,336 of Levelling Up Fund round 3 funding from DLUHC, in relation to Parkwood Springs, subject to the key terms, responsibilities and risks in the final Memorandum of Understanding being the same as those summarised in the report.




Reasons for Decision




The preferred option, to accept the funding and deliver the projects within the bid, takes advantage of an opportunity to regenerate a key part of the city. The funding will allow us to deliver improvements that residence, business owners and other key stakeholders are keen to see happen and will make a real difference to the local communities.


It is therefore recommended to approve Sheffield City Council acting as the accountable body for Levelling Up Fund 3 Parkwood Springs subject to the key terms, responsibilities and risks in the final grant agreement being the same as those summarised in this Report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing

Not accepting LUF funding would mean foregoing the opportunity to deliver significant capital interventions in Parkwood and the associated economic, environmental and social benefits. No benefits would be delivered along with no contribution to the Council plan.

If the proposed programme does not come to fruition, the impact will be a continued decline in areas that have already suffered years of economic and social deterioration. These areas cannot continue to be ignored, if this funding is lost alternative funding will need to be sought to allow the necessary investment to be made to support the regeneration of these parts of the city.


Supporting documents: