Agenda item

Sheffield Transport Vision

Report of the Executive Director City Futures


Report to follow



Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures outlining the work undertaken to develop the Sheffield Transport Vision and presenting the final document to the Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Notes the collaborative work undertaken to agree a shared Transport Vision for Sheffield, which clearly communicates the city’s transport ambitions to everyone who lives, works, learns in or visits Sheffield.

·       Notes the importance of adopting a shared Vision which will enable prioritisation and delivery of the City’s ambitious transport programme.

·       Endorses the Sheffield Transport Vision document.




Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the proposed Sheffield Transport Vision is to provide an overarching narrative which clearly communicates the shared transport ambitions and priorities for the city to 2035. The Vision has been carefully aligned with more recently emerging city ambitions and broader priorities relating to climate change, growth and sustainability, and underpinning the priorities set out in the adopted Transport Strategy.


As outlined in paragraph 5.1, a full refresh of the Transport Strategy is not considered appropriate at this point in time, when the focus must be on successfully delivering our ambitious transport programme for the benefit of the city and its people.


Adopting a shared Transport Vision which consolidates and reinforces the TRC Committee’s collective priorities will strengthen our ability to influence decision makers both at a regional and national level to secure the best deal for the people of Sheffield in future. It will also ensure that Members are able to make decisions about future delivery plans and schemes, within the collectively agreed framework of the Transport Vision, which is fully aligned with the broader city ambitions and goals.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative option would have been to undertake a full review of the existing Transport Strategy. This option was not felt to be appropriate at this time, partly because of the imminent development of the next statutory South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan which will be the reference point for national government transport investment in South Yorkshire, but also because the key elements of the existing Sheffield Transport Strategy are still very valid.


The emergence of the new broader strategies and policies outlined in this report means that it is more important at this stage to align our overarching priorities, building a clear narrative for the city.




Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures outlining the work undertaken to develop the Sheffield Transport Vision and presenting the final document to the Committee.




The committee welcomed the opportunity to develop a Transport Vision and thanked officers and the consultant for their work on the document. It was agreed that the process had been useful for all involved.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Notes the collaborative work undertaken to agree a shared Transport Vision for Sheffield, which clearly communicates the city’s transport ambitions to everyone who lives, works, learns in or visits Sheffield.

·       Notes the importance of adopting a shared Vision which will enable prioritisation and delivery of the City’s ambitious transport programme.

·       Endorses the Sheffield Transport Vision document.




Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the proposed Sheffield Transport Vision is to provide an overarching narrative which clearly communicates the shared transport ambitions and priorities for the city to 2035. The Vision has been carefully aligned with more recently emerging city ambitions and broader priorities relating to climate change, growth and sustainability, and underpinning the priorities set out in the adopted Transport Strategy.




As outlined in paragraph 5.1, a full refresh of the Transport Strategy is not considered appropriate at this point in time, when the focus must be on successfully delivering our ambitious transport programme for the benefit of the city and its people.




Adopting a shared Transport Vision which consolidates and reinforces the TRC Committee’s collective priorities will strengthen our ability to influence decision makers both at a regional and national level to secure the best deal for the people of Sheffield in future. It will also ensure that Members are able to make decisions about future delivery plans and schemes, within the collectively agreed framework of the Transport Vision, which is fully aligned with the broader city ambitions and goals.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative option would have been to undertake a full review of the existing Transport Strategy. This option was not felt to be appropriate at this time, partly because of the imminent development of the next statutory South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan which will be the reference point for national government transport investment in South Yorkshire, but also because the key elements of the existing Sheffield Transport Strategy are still very valid.




The emergence of the new broader strategies and policies outlined in this report means that it is more important at this stage to align our overarching priorities, building a clear narrative for the city.


Supporting documents: