Agenda item

Digitisation of the database management of Traffic Regulation Orders and associated delegated decision making

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures to inform Committee about an initiative to introduce a digital platform for the database management of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) and to seek Committee approval to delegate determination of any objections received in relation to the making of the TRO associated with the move.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Endorses the move to a digital platform for the management of TROs; and

·       Approves the delegation of the decision whether to make the proposed consolidated TRO to the Director of Investment, Climate Change and Planning subject to their following the process outlined within this report (including the consideration of any objections received).




Reasons for Decision




The move to a digital map based database of traffic order information will make access to the orders made by the Council easier for internal and external people and organisations to access.


The Council will be working towards meeting the aims of the Department for Transport with regards to the digitisation of traffic orders.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The only other option considered which would still allow the Council to proceed with the proposal to consolidate its TROs and switch to the new system was to follow the current procedure i.e. objections considered by this Committee. This is not considered viable, for reasons of easing the burden on Committee (by not, for example, holding an extraordinary meeting outside of the schedule purely so as to expedite the making of the order as quickly as possible) while still also ensuring any objections are fully considered. The recommended course of action was consequently deemed the preferred way forward.






Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures to inform Committee about an initiative to introduce a digital platform for the database management of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) and to seek Committee approval to delegate determination of any objections received in relation to the making of the TRO associated with the move.




Officers advised that the new software was already in use at other authorities. It was a very visual system and easy to access for members of the public and would make the process much more efficient.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Endorses the move to a digital platform for the management of TROs; and

·       Approves the delegation of the decision whether to make the proposed consolidated TRO to the Director of Investment, Climate Change and Planning subject to their following the process outlined within this report (including the consideration of any objections received).




Reasons for Decision




The move to a digital map based database of traffic order information will make access to the orders made by the Council easier for internal and external people and organisations to access.




The Council will be working towards meeting the aims of the Department for Transport with regards to the digitisation of traffic orders.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The only other option considered which would still allow the Council to proceed with the proposal to consolidate its TROs and switch to the new system was to follow the current procedure i.e. objections considered by this Committee. This is not considered viable, for reasons of easing the burden on Committee (by not, for example, holding an extraordinary meeting outside of the schedule purely so as to expedite the making of the order as quickly as possible) while still also ensuring any objections are fully considered. The recommended course of action was consequently deemed the preferred way forward.




Supporting documents: