11.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update to the Adult Health and Social Care Committee on progress of our multi-agency Carers Delivery Plan (2022-2025).
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:
1. Recognise the positive progress made on delivery of the Carers Delivery Plan (2022-2025).
2. Reaffirm our commitment to people who are unpaid carers across the city, so they feel recognised, valued, and supported and request that the Strategic Director brings a report to Committee setting out how we will become a Carer Friendly City. 3. Acknowledge the future actions the Delivery Plan aim to deliver.
4. Request that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing brings back updates every 6 months as an assurance on delivery of the plan.
Reasons for Decision
We want to be bold and ambitious and make Sheffield a carer friendly city. We recognise, value and support our carers and the vital role they have in our communities. We know from the first 12 months that the Carers Delivery Plan has positively impacted the lives of carers but there is still much more to do.
Carers are vital to our health and social care systems. They provide care to some of the most vulnerable in our communities and in doing so save the economy billions of pounds per year, however being a carer can lead to social, educational and health inequalities. It is therefore essential that we recognise, value and support those in a caring role and prevent inappropriate caring, especially with young carers; our Carers Delivery Plan empowers us do this.
Alternatives Considered and Rejected
Option – Not to update to the Delivery Plan – Rejected.
Now is the right time to reaffirm our commitment to carers. The Council and its partners want to continue to make Sheffield a carer friendly city.
Supporting documents: