Report of Ernst & Young
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The Committee considered a report of the Council’s External Auditors, Ernst & Young (EY). The purpose of the auditor’s annual report was to bring together all of the auditor’s work over the year. A core element of the report was the commentary on value for money (VFM) arrangements, which aims to draw to the attention of the Council, or the wider public, relevant issues, recommendations arising from the audit and follow up on recommendations issued previously, along with the auditor’s view as to whether they have been implemented satisfactorily.
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Hayley Clark (EY) joined the meeting remotely and explained there was no matters of significant risk to report in regard to VFM.
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Hayley Clark explained that the Council’s financial statements had been prepared properly in accordance with the CIPFA/LASAAC Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom 2021/22 as amended by the Update to the Code and Specifications for Future Codes for Infrastructure Assets (November 2022).
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Hayley Clark stated that the Council’s significant risks were outlined in the report along with EY’s conclusions to those risks.
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Following the introduction to the report, there was no comments or questions from Members of the Committee.
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RESOLVED: That the Audit and Standards Committee notes the auditors annual report.
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