Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public



Martin Brighton raised a number of questions and responses were provided as follows:-





Will this Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee please ensure that there is a separate complaints process for dealing with errant personnel?






The Chair requested that this question be referred by this Committee for consideration by the Sheffield Homes Board.






Will this Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee “get a grip” on the issues raised, as it has in the past, and to its credit, that it is perfectly capable of doing?






The Chair requested the Scrutiny Policy Officer forward the question to the relevant officer to provide a response.






Will this Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee please ask for the evidence to prove that the citizens of Batemoor wanted:-




refurbishment of the drying areas; and




the demolition of garages?






The Chair requested the Scrutiny Policy Officer forward the question to the relevant officer to provide a response.






Will this Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee please ensure that the issue of truthful recording of representation also includes the Sheffield Homes South West Area Board meeting of last January?






The Chair requested that this question be referred by this Committee for consideration by the Sheffield Homes Board.