Agenda item

Annual Complaints Report 2023/2024

Report of Executive Director Neighbourhood Services



The Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report:


(1) Outlining the complaints and compliments Sheffield City Council received in 2023-24 reporting year in line with corporate requirements;


(2) Identifying key trends and developments within complaints; and


(3) Identifying future development and a corporate complaint service improvement plan for 2024-26.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) note the statistical analysis of the annual report and the breakdowns therein including information on the performance of complaints and the issues raised;


(b) agrees that the conclusions and recommendations set out in paragraph 1.15 of this report should form the basis of its written response to the Annual Complaints Report for publication;


(c) notes the links to the Customer Experience Strategy, which will provide the fundamental support and direction needed to improve and transform the way Sheffield City Council handles and manages complaints; and


(d) agrees to provide ongoing support to the implementation and service improvements as outlined in the 2024-2026 Complaint Service Improvement Plan.




Reasons for Decision




Strategy and Resources Policy Committee has lead responsibility for complaints including monitoring of complaint handling performance on behalf of the Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Not applicable.




The Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report:


(1) Outlining the complaints and compliments Sheffield City Council received in 2023-24 reporting year in line with corporate requirements;


(2) Identifying key trends and developments within complaints; and


(3) Identifying future development and a corporate complaint service improvement plan for 2024-26.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) note the statistical analysis of the annual report and the breakdowns therein including information on the performance of complaints and the issues raised;


(b) agrees that the conclusions and recommendations set out in paragraph 1.15 of this report should form the basis of its written response to the Annual Complaints Report for publication;


(c) notes the links to the Customer Experience Strategy, which will provide the fundamental support and direction needed to improve and transform the way Sheffield City Council handles and manages complaints; and


(d) agrees to provide ongoing support to the implementation and service improvements as outlined in the 2024-2026 Complaint Service Improvement Plan.




Reasons for Decision




Strategy and Resources Policy Committee has lead responsibility for complaints including monitoring of complaint handling performance on behalf of the Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Not applicable.


Supporting documents: