Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement
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The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement presented a report providing an update on progress towards the recommendations made by the Lowcock report into the street trees dispute, and the additional commitments made in the Council’s response.
The report sets out the good progress that has been made against the substantial majority of the recommendations that were due to be completed by this point. It also explains the reasons that a small number of recommendations have not been completed within the original timescales and describes how these are intended to be progressed and resolved.
Finally, it sets out progress against the wider and longer-term recommendations which are not yet due to complete and proposes that these be monitored via the relevant programmes of work that these relate to, including, particularly the Future Sheffield programme. |
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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:- |
(a) notes the progress made since the last update to the committee in December 2023 towards the actions agreed in the June 2023 ‘Learning from the past and moving ahead: response to the Sheffield Street Tree Inquiry’ report;
(b) notes the ongoing work to complete the remaining apologies to those who are owed them, and notes the renewed progress on the work to design and install a commemorative plaque in the Town Hall;
(c) notes the underpinning reports that sets out in more detail the key activity relating to governance, information management, organisational culture and transformation, and to agree that the remaining actions in these areas should be progressed through the relevant service areas and/or programmes as set out in section 4 of this report, with contingent decisions being made and monitored by the relevant committee; and
(d) agrees that whilst good progress has been made, the most critical lessons of the street tree dispute are the importance of listening to the people and communities of Sheffield, to hearing different points of view, to reflecting on mistakes and to being open to feedback at all times, and further agrees to commit to an ongoing dialogue with the people of Sheffield as the organisation continues to improve |
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Reasons for Decision |
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There has been substantial progress towards the recommendations for Sheffield City Council as set out in the Lowcock and subsequently agreed by Strategy and Resources Committee in June 2023. |
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This progress includes taking forward actions across the themes of reconciliation, Streets Ahead, and the wider council, and means that the actions that were recommended to have been taken by this point are now substantially completed. As such, it is not proposed that a further report is brought to the committee, but that the remaining actions are taken forward within other workstreams (including, particularly, the Future Sheffield programme which will drive the wider transformation of the organisation). |
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Although the immediate actions recommended by Sir Mark in his report have now been completed, it will take concerted ongoing effort to fully respond to the findings of the report and to reset the council’s relationship with communities and to regain trust with those who were let down by the council’s approach during the street trees dispute. |
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Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
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Alternative Option: Not to provide an update report
It would have been possible not to provide a further update report to Strategy and Resources Policy Committee on this matter. This was dismissed because of the direct request of the committee for a further report on progress at this point, and because of the degree of public interest in the street tree dispute and the Lowcock Inquiry, and the Council’s ongoing commitment to learn lessons and take action in response to the recommendations. |
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