Agenda item

Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Action Plan



Members considered a report of the Interim Director of Housing updating the Housing Policy Committee on the delivery and progress of the Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy Action Plan which underpins the Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleepers Strategy, 2023 – 2028. The Strategy and Action Plan is now in the second year of delivery. The report provides an overview of the delivery thus far, seeks endorsement of continued delivery, and approval of the 12 new actions identified and deletion of 1 action.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1. Continues endorsement of the delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan.

2. Approves 12 new actions and the deletion of 1 action as set out in the report.




Reasons for Decision


Homelessness continues to be a key challenge in Sheffield, with

consistently high number of Homeless Presentations to the Council. This

impacts the use of TA, provision and subsequently increases financial

pressures to the Council. In addition, the impact of Homelessness of the

person is significant, and in some cases can have long lasting effects,

resulting in reduced opportunities.


Although improvement is being made in preventing Homelessness,

with good progression on the delivery of the Homeless Prevention

Strategy, it is essential we continue to deliver the existing and new

actions to further advance prevention of Homelessness.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1: Not making amendments to the current action


Not making amendments to the current action plan, would result in not

responding appropriately to ongoing and evolving Homelessness challenges

and pressures. This would potentially increase risk and impact on the financial

pressures associated with Homelessness, the Council’s ability to meet

statutory duties and responsibilities and reputational impact with partners, by

not responding to feedback, consultation and emerging challenges.






Members considered a report of the Interim Director of Housing updating the Housing Policy Committee on the delivery and progress of the Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy Action Plan which underpins the Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleepers Strategy, 2023 – 2028. The Strategy and Action Plan is now in the second year of delivery. The report provides an overview of the delivery thus far, seeks endorsement of continued delivery, and approval of the 12 new actions identified and deletion of 1 action.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1. Continues endorsement of the delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan.

2. Approves 12 new actions and the deletion of 1 action as set out in the report.




Reasons for Decision


Homelessness continues to be a key challenge in Sheffield, with

consistently high number of Homeless Presentations to the Council. This

impacts the use of TA, provision and subsequently increases financial

pressures to the Council. In addition, the impact of Homelessness of the

person is significant, and in some cases can have long lasting effects,

resulting in reduced opportunities.


Although improvement is being made in preventing Homelessness,

with good progression on the delivery of the Homeless Prevention

Strategy, it is essential we continue to deliver the existing and new

actions to further advance prevention of Homelessness.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1: Not making amendments to the current action


Not making amendments to the current action plan, would result in not

responding appropriately to ongoing and evolving Homelessness challenges

and pressures. This would potentially increase risk and impact on the financial

pressures associated with Homelessness, the Council’s ability to meet

statutory duties and responsibilities and reputational impact with partners, by

not responding to feedback, consultation and emerging challenges.




Supporting documents: