Agenda item

Operational Arrangements for Housing Fire Safety Responsive Repairs

Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



Changes to Regulations and inspection regimes has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of fire safety responsive repairs being identified and remedial works required.


Sheffield City Council’s internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently do not have the capacity to deliver the large number of fire related responsive repairs and there is a significant risk of repairs not being closed within defined timescales. This could put residents and visitors at risk.


Members considered a report of the Interim Housing Director recommending that the Council procure and commission a competent contractor to deliver fire safety remedial works on behalf of Sheffield City Council Repairs and Maintenance service managed by the Housing Fire Safety Team to effectively manage the repairs.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.    Agrees the proposal for the operational arrangements for managing responsive Housing fire safety remedial works

2.    Gives approval to procure and commission a competent third-party fire safety contractor to undertake responsive repairs related to fire safety. Moving from an in-house model to an external solution to allow SCC to discharge its duties.




Reasons for Decision


The decision to utilise the already approved Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

funding to commission a competent third-party Fire Safety Contractor for responsive

fire safety repairs is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and to mitigate significant risks to residents and visitors.




The internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently lacks the capacity to

manage the volume of fire safety repairs, posing a serious risk of non-compliance

with the Regulator of Social Housing’s requirements. Without timely action, the

number of overdue fire safety repairs is likely to increase, jeopardizing the Council’s

ability to meet its statutory obligations as a landlord.




Moving to an external partner solution rather than an in-house model will allow SCC

to discharge its duties. By commissioning an external contractor, the Council can

effectively address the current capacity shortfall, maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, and fulfil its duty to provide safe and decent housing for its tenants.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1:

Do nothing – Not an option

The Council must be able to discharge its duties. Do nothing is not a viable option

and not only puts the council at risk of financial penalties but could put residents at

unnecessary risk and in some case could pose a significant threat to life if repairs are not completed in a timely manner.




Alternative Option 2:

Increase Repairs and Maintenance Resource – Not an Option

Our internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently do not have the capacity to deliver the large number of fire related responsive repairs and there is a significant risk of jobs not being closed within defined timescales. The Service explored increasing the resource however the time taken to recruit and train operative to the required standard will further increase the backlog of repairs.






Changes to Regulations and inspection regimes has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of fire safety responsive repairs being identified and remedial works required.


Sheffield City Council’s internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently do not have the capacity to deliver the large number of fire related responsive repairs and there is a significant risk of repairs not being closed within defined timescales. This could put residents and visitors at risk.


Members considered a report of the Interim Housing Director recommending that the Council procure and commission a competent contractor to deliver fire safety remedial works on behalf of Sheffield City Council Repairs and Maintenance service managed by the Housing Fire Safety Team to effectively manage the repairs.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.    Agrees the proposal for the operational arrangements for managing responsive Housing fire safety remedial works

2.    Gives approval to procure and commission a competent third-party fire safety contractor to undertake responsive repairs related to fire safety. Moving from an in-house model to an external solution to allow SCC to discharge its duties.




Reasons for Decision


The decision to utilise the already approved Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

funding to commission a competent third-party Fire Safety Contractor for responsive

fire safety repairs is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and to mitigate significant risks to residents and visitors.




The internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently lacks the capacity to

manage the volume of fire safety repairs, posing a serious risk of non-compliance

with the Regulator of Social Housing’s requirements. Without timely action, the

number of overdue fire safety repairs is likely to increase, jeopardizing the Council’s

ability to meet its statutory obligations as a landlord.




Moving to an external partner solution rather than an in-house model will allow SCC

to discharge its duties. By commissioning an external contractor, the Council can

effectively address the current capacity shortfall, maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, and fulfil its duty to provide safe and decent housing for its tenants.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1:

Do nothing – Not an option

The Council must be able to discharge its duties. Do nothing is not a viable option

and not only puts the council at risk of financial penalties but could put residents at

unnecessary risk and in some case could pose a significant threat to life if repairs are not completed in a timely manner.




Alternative Option 2:

Increase Repairs and Maintenance Resource – Not an Option

Our internal Repairs and Maintenance Service currently do not have the capacity to deliver the large number of fire related responsive repairs and there is a significant risk of jobs not being closed within defined timescales. The Service explored increasing the resource however the time taken to recruit and train operative to the required standard will further increase the backlog of repairs.




Supporting documents: