Agenda item

Weston Park - Ice Cream Operator Tender 2025

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



The Charity Trustee Sub-Committee is asked to consider the contents of this report and grant approval to go out to tender for an ice cream operator for Weston Park.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-


1.     approves the proposal to go out to the market for an ice cream operator for Weston Park based on the principles outlined within this report; and


2.     notes that a recommendation will be brought back to the committee following the tender process for approval to enter into a licence arrangement with the recommended operator.




Reasons for Decision




The selling of ice cream contributes to the objects of the charity, providing amenities within recreation/pleasure grounds for use by the public. It has also become an expected part of visitors park experience.




Generating an income allows the council as sole trustee to support the management and maintenance of the park and in turn contribute to the charity objects.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative Option 1

Do nothing – there is the option to not re-tender the ice cream pitch. This would mean there would be no provision for this type of offer within the park and would impact on the rental income for the charity.




Alternative Option 2

Go out to the market on the same terms as the last tender i.e. 3 years:


·       This would make it difficult for the operators to justify the investment in greener technology and thus recoup their investment.

·       Lack of focus on greener technology will minimise our ability to change the environmentally negative operations on site.

·       Lack of focus demonstrates misalignment with wider city goals and ambitions, could lead to reputational risk.




The Business Manager (Parks and Countryside) presented a report seeking approval to go out to tender for an ice cream operator for Weston Park.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-


1.     approves the proposal to go out to the market for an ice cream operator for Weston Park based on the principles outlined within this report; and


2.     notes that a recommendation will be brought back to the committee following the tender process for approval to enter into a licence arrangement with the recommended operator.




Reasons for Decision




The selling of ice cream contributes to the objects of the charity, providing amenities within recreation/pleasure grounds for use by the public. It has also become an expected part of visitors park experience.




Generating an income allows the council as sole trustee to support the management and maintenance of the park and in turn contribute to the charity objects.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative Option 1

Do nothing – there is the option to not re-tender the ice cream pitch. This would mean there would be no provision for this type of offer within the park and would impact on the rental income for the charity.




Alternative Option 2

Go out to the market on the same terms as the last tender i.e. 3 years:


·       This would make it difficult for the operators to justify the investment in greener technology and thus recoup their investment.

·       Lack of focus on greener technology will minimise our ability to change the environmentally negative operations on site.

·       Lack of focus demonstrates misalignment with wider city goals and ambitions, could lead to reputational risk.


Supporting documents: