Agenda item

North Local Area Committee Budget 2024-25

Report of the Local Area Committee Manager



The Committee considered a report of the Community Services Manager on the funding allocated to the North Local Area Committee and the proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2024-25 in line with the priorities of the North Local Area Committee, namely:


  • Improving local transport through practical Highways improvements and promoting better public transport?;


  • Improving community safety; and


  • Improving community life.




The following areas of expenditure were proposed, totalling £80,000:


a)    £50,000 Great North budget, for voluntary sector groups to apply for up to £5000 for projects to meet local needs;


b)    £25,000 NextGen North Fund (using £15,000 of North Local Area Committee funds and £10,000 from Youth Services) for voluntary sector groups to apply for up to £5,000 for projects working with local children and young people;


c)     £10,000 fund to support local food poverty initiatives; and


d)    A £5,000 operations budget.




RESOLVED: That the North Local Area Committee:


a)    Agrees the recommendations set out for use of the 2024-25 budget;


b)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the North Local Area Committee as detailed in the report; and


c)     Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of the grant funds proposed of up to £5,000.




Reasons for Decision




The North Local Area Committee is asked to note the use of funding under delegated authority and agree the further expenditure outlined in the report to address the identified local priorities within the North Local Area Committee Community Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The North Local Area Committee could choose not to allocate budgets at this stage, but this would delay local projects and facilities for local communities.


Decisions on grant awards could be reserved to the North Local Area Committee, but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers. However, this would restrict and undermine the Local Area Committee’s ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.




The Committee considered a report of the Community Services Manager on the funding allocated to the North Local Area Committee and the proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2024-25 in line with the priorities of the North Local Area Committee, namely:


  • Improving local transport through practical Highways improvements and promoting better public transport?;


  • Improving community safety; and


  • Improving community life.




The following areas of expenditure were proposed, totalling £80,000:


a)    £50,000 Great North budget, for voluntary sector groups to apply for up to £5000 for projects to meet local needs;


b)    £25,000 NextGen North Fund (using £15,000 of North Local Area Committee funds and £10,000 from Youth Services) for voluntary sector groups to apply for up to £5,000 for projects working with local children and young people;


c)     £10,000 fund to support local food poverty initiatives; and


d)    A £5,000 operations budget.




Councillor Craig Gamble Pugh suggested the allocation of £10k of the Local Area Committee budget towards food poverty, and to ensure that projects tackling food poverty were prioritised and that spending was distributed across the four wards on a priority basis.




David Luck, Community Services Manager, advised that work was being carried out to further develop a fair balance of funding across the four wards within the North Local Area Committee.




Councillor Richard Williams noted a high proportion of elderly people in north Sheffield, and hoped that those not qualifying for winter fuel payments could be supported. 




Councillor Robert Reiss made a suggestion to link advice around Pension Credit eligibility to existing community settings, such as Food Matters. He also noted that Chapeltown Veterans carried out valuable and wide-reaching support, and believed they would benefit from short-term funding.




Mark Hible, Community Development Worker, confirmed that there were regular drop-in sessions at Ecclesfield Library that provided assistance with applications for Pension Credit, and signposting to help raise awareness of financial support options.




Carl Mullooly added that the Cost of Living support team were carrying out work to help identify eligibility for Pension Credit.




In response to a question regarding the remaining ‘fly-tipping’ budget, David Luck confirmed that the Local Area Committee held a budget for tackling ‘hot spots.




Councillor Alan Hooper, Chair of the Committee, summarised by confirming that a budget of £10k was ring-fenced for cost of living support. He also noted the ageing population of north Sheffield, and the clusters of deprivation, and his concerns for supporting these communities during the winter months.




RESOLVED: That the North Local Area Committee:


a)    Agrees the recommendations set out for use of the 2024-25 budget;


b)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the North Local Area Committee as detailed in the report; and


Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of the grant funds proposed of up to £5,000.




Reasons for Decision




The North Local Area Committee is asked to note the use of funding under delegated authority and agree the further expenditure outlined in the report to address the identified local priorities within the North Local Area Committee Community Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The North Local Area Committee could choose not to allocate budgets at this stage, but this would delay local projects and facilities for local communities.


Decisions on grant awards could be reserved to the North Local Area Committee, but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers. However, this would restrict and undermine the Local Area Committee’s ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.




The Chair noted that this was David Luck’s last meeting as Community Services Manager for the North Local Area Committee. He stated that David had been an excellent manager, who he had enjoyed working with, and extended his thanks to David on behalf of the Committee.




The Chair also noted that he was aware of the football match scheduled to take place between Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday on Sunday 10 December 2024, that would clash with Remembrance Sunday commemorations. He expressed his disappointment around the scheduling of this game, and advised that representations to this effect would be made to the appropriate parties.


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