Agenda item

Members Questions

To receive any questions from Members of the committee on issues which are not already the subject of an item of business on the Committee agenda – Council Procedure Rule 16.8. (NOTE: a period of up to 10 minutes shall be allocated for Members’ supplementary questions).



There were no new questions from Members.



Councillor Toby Mallinson submitted supplementary questions relating to those asked at the meeting on 12th September, which it had been agreed could be deferred to this meeting of the Sub -Committee.  It was confirmed that answers to these questions would be obtained from the NHS, provided to Councillor Mallinson and published in due course.



A discussion took place regarding whether the Sub-Committee could play a role in scrutinising how protected characteristics are managed in the NHS.  The Chair advised that this would be a topic which would be beyond the capacity of the Sub-Committee.  Deborah Glen suggested that there was likely to be monitoring work already ongoing in the ICB (Integrated Care Board) and she would make enquiries as to whether this could be shared.