Agenda item

Sheffield Strategy Tackling Domestic and Sexual Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls.

Report of the Strategic Director of Public Health and Integrated Commissioning



The Strategic Director of Public Health and Integrated Commissioning submitted a report presenting the Annual Report of the Sheffield Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategic Board, and inviting the Committee to approve the Council’s role in the delivery of a new and continued Strategy called ‘From Surviving to Safety’ which sets out objectives over the next 6 years to improve education and awareness, support victims, change perpetrators behaviour and protect more people from violence and abuse.


Hollie Venn, CEO Sheffield Women’s Aid; Meera Kulkani, CEO Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre; and Diane Johnson (Detective Superintendent), South Yorkshire Police attended the meeting representing some of the Council’s valued partners in tackling domestic and sexual abuse and violence against women and girls from across the City.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) accept and note the contents of the Annual Report of the work of the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategic Board;


(b) agrees the contents of the new strategy, From Surviving To Safety:  Sheffield’s Strategy to end Domestic and Sexual Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls 2024-30; and


(c) agrees to commit the Council to continue to play a leading role, working with a wide range of external stakeholders, in delivering the aims and objectives of the new strategy in the coming years




Reasons for Decision




Domestic and sexual abuse, and violence against women and girls, has a huge impact on the lives of individual victims, families and wider society.  Sheffield has a proud history of tackling the problem, challenging perpetrators and supporting victims. 




By adopting the aims and principles set out in the new Strategy the Council will be playing a significant leadership role in the city.  Working across the Council and with a range of city stakeholders, together we can continue to tackle violence and abuse and help make lives better for victims and their families.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




One alternative would be to allow the current Strategy to tackle domestic and sexual abuse to lapse without developing a new strategy.  This option was rejected because the Council is required legally to have in place an agreed Strategy for Safe Accommodation (see legal implications section of the report).  Tackling domestic and sexual abuse is also a significant concern across the city and affects a number of Council departments, so having an agreed and carefully developed strategy enables the Council and wider partners to better coordinate activity they would be involved in anyway, to provide a clear and supportive offer to victims, their families and the wider community of Sheffield.




The Strategic Director of Public Health and Integrated Commissioning submitted a report presenting the Annual Report of the Sheffield Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategic Board, and inviting the Committee to approve the Council’s role in the delivery of a new and continued Strategy called ‘From Surviving to Safety’ which sets out objectives over the next 6 years to improve education and awareness, support victims, change perpetrators behaviour and protect more people from violence and abuse.


Hollie Venn, CEO Sheffield Women’s Aid; Meera Kulkani, CEO Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre; and Diane Johnson (Detective Superintendent), South Yorkshire Police attended the meeting representing some of the Council’s valued partners in tackling domestic and sexual abuse and violence against women and girls from across the City.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) accept and note the contents of the Annual Report of the work of the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategic Board;


(b) agrees the contents of the new strategy, From Surviving To Safety:  Sheffield’s Strategy to end Domestic and Sexual Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls 2024-30; and


(c) agrees to commit the Council to continue to play a leading role, working with a wide range of external stakeholders, in delivering the aims and objectives of the new strategy in the coming years.




Reasons for Decision




Domestic and sexual abuse, and violence against women and girls, has a huge impact on the lives of individual victims, families and wider society.  Sheffield has a proud history of tackling the problem, challenging perpetrators and supporting victims. 




By adopting the aims and principles set out in the new Strategy the Council will be playing a significant leadership role in the city.  Working across the Council and with a range of city stakeholders, together we can continue to tackle violence and abuse and help make lives better for victims and their families.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




One alternative would be to allow the current Strategy to tackle domestic and sexual abuse to lapse without developing a new strategy.  This option was rejected because the Council is required legally to have in place an agreed Strategy for Safe Accommodation (see legal implications section).  Tackling domestic and sexual abuse is also a significant concern across the city and affects a number of Council departments, so having an agreed and carefully developed strategy enables the Council and wider partners to better coordinate activity they would be involved in anyway, to provide a clear and supportive offer to victims, their families and the wider community of Sheffield.


Supporting documents: