Agenda item

Maternity Services



The report, which provided an update on the improvement programme for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Maternity Services, was presented by Andrea Galimberti (Clinical Director), Chris Morley (Chief Nurse), and Laura Rumsey (Director of Midwifery). Nupur Chowdhury (Sheffield Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership) was also present at the meeting.



The following additional information was given in response to questions from Members:

  • The national average for stillbirths was not included in the figures as it was strongly affected by socio-economic factors, in particular population health.  Members advised that they felt that the information would still be useful.
  • Caesarean rates had risen nationally, and the current advice was not to try to contain this.
  • No significant challenges were anticipated in the recruitment and retention of midwives if the current support for staff was maintained.
  • Several recruitment pipelines were in place for midwives including the undergraduate course, the MSc course (for registered nurses to become midwives) and degree apprenticeships.
  • The removal of formula milk provision had not been undertaken lightly but was necessary to maintain accreditation with the UNICEF Baby Friendly scheme and was informed by national evidence. It had been done by many hospitals. Mothers could still bring formula into hospital with them. The Infant Feeding Team were available to support women.
  • The Service was keen to hear feedback from staff and the national NHS staff survey was one means of doing this.
  • Serious incident reporting was included in the Executive Summary report presented annually to the Board of Directors.  Harm arising from incidents and the seriousness of the incidents was monitored and was currently felt to be satisfactory.
  • All women had the opportunity to develop a personal care plan.  These were currently on paper, but an electronic format would be introduced shortly.  Many training opportunities for staff to develop these plans were in place.
  • Around 20 Professional Midwifery Advocates had been appointed to help to develop staff.  This had made a strong contribution to staff welfare.



Members agreed that there was no need for further updates to be added to the work programme as they were satisfied with the progress made in improving the service.



RESOLVED: that the Sub-Committee

(a)  notes the contents of the Maternity Service Update; and

(b)  does not require any further updates at present.


(NOTE: During the discussion of the above item the Sub-Committee agreed, in accordance with Council Procedure rules, that as the meeting was approaching the two hours and 30 minutes time limit, the meeting should be extended by a period of 30 minutes).



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