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The following points were raised by those present at the meeting –
· Eamonn Ward from the Zest Centre stated that the benefits of green spaces were an escape from difficult/toxic environments and personal situations. There were barriers to accessing green spaces that needed exploring and breaking down. Zest had made attempts to involve the community in gardening activities. Their website address was www.zestcommunity.co.uk.
· A representative from Percy Street Collective requested to find a better way to share information about different organisations in the community but that the LAC was a good way to do this. He encouraged sharing information gathered from individual LAC’s amongst all Local Area Committee’s. He expressed a wish to create opportunities to make more green and growing spaces, in the Kelham Island and Neepsend areas. Their website address was www.percystreetcic.com.
· A project was currently underway, organised by Wilder Neighbourhoods in the Philadelphia Gardens area. This was funded by Ward Pots. Their aim was to make the space feel safer and more attractive, currently it was obscured from view and could feel secluded and unsafe. The community were being encouraged to support and be involved with the project. Leaflets advertising ‘ranger days’ dates for the community to get involved (19/10/24, 16/11/24, 7/12/24, 18/1/25, 15/2/25) were provided at the meeting. They had a Facebook page - ‘Wilder Neighbourhoods’ and an Instagram account - @wilderneighbourhoods.
· Jean Morton from the Hillsborough Group suggested activities in and around Hillsborough, learning about wildlife and growing, tree identification, utilising the walled garden as a space to facilitate this.
· Howard Bayley from Friends of Wardsend Cemetery informed the group that they arranged activities in the Hillsborough area close to the River Don, working with the Wildlife Trust, arranging bird surveys, volunteer sessions, nature walks, fungi identification and they had installed bird boxes. They worked with schools. He encouraged looking on their website to see what activities they had available. www.joinedupsheffieldheritage.org.uk
· ‘Friends of’ groups, the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust and the voluntary sector provided information regarding activities and work that was taking place in Sheffield.
· It was recommended that members of the community looked on-line for information. Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust were making attempts to have more joined-up on-line directories to assist with this. They had a Community Action for Nature Map on their website. Community Action for Nature Map - Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust. www.wildsheffield.com
· Michaela Suckling, Lead Parish Nurse suggested adding contact details for support groups in the city to the Voluntary Action Sheffield health bulletin. www.vas.org.uk
· A member of the public recommended that the John Muir award for young people get involved..
· Other positives of being exposed to green spaces included free activity, pleasant auditory, fresh air, relaxation, exercise, improves sleep, builds strong communities, mindfulness, education.
In response to ‘what would you like to see in your local area’, the following points were raised –
· Better housing design incorporating green spaces; · Education around litter; · More green spaces; · Community involvement; · Taking responsibility for the local area; · More trees; · Plant seed bombs