Agenda item

Highways Update

To receive an update from Andrew McKie, Sheffield City Council, upon Highways initiatives and schemes in the local area.   



decision two




Highways Update



Summary of Item 




The Assembly received a report of the Head of Transport and Highways regarding East Community Assembly Local Highway Schemes. In the absence of the Major Schemes Manager, Andrew McKie, the Community Assembly Manager presented the report.




It was noted that the East Community Assembly had an overall budget of £110,799 available for ‘local highway schemes’ in 2012/13, as part of devolving decisions and priorities on local issues and improving the responsiveness of the Council to meeting local requests.  The East Community Assembly had already agreed a list of schemes for implementation in 2011/12, and it was intended to continue and complete schemes in the current financial year. The report now submitted contained an update on the actual progress of the limited number of schemes that were affordable within the current budgetary position.




Decision Taken




RESOLVED: That the East Community Assembly;


(a) notes the current budgetary position regarding funding availability (£110,779);


(b) receives and reviews the Duke Street briefing note, and refers this issue to the Cabinet Highways Committee for its consideration and decision;


(c) notes the progress being made with the scheme on East Bank Road (Total £92,000);


(d) recognises the need for Ward nominations for small scheme improvements to a total cost of £5,000 per Ward;


(e) notes that as part of the Streets Ahead Contract, the Manor Estate, Base Green and Wybourn zones are programmed to be improved in 2013, and


(f) notes that the Woodthorpe 20 mph speed limit zone will be funded from strategic resources in 2013/2014. 




Reasons For The Decision




The East Community Assembly support and fund highways schemes at the locations of the highest number of child accidents. The Community Assembly and Transport and Highways teams, in discussion with Ward Members, have analysed the requests from local residents and undertaken some preliminary feasibility work on a provisional list of potential projects, which has enabled the identification of a list of schemes to be implemented in 2012/13.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The programme of local highway schemes can be updated and added to as the year progresses, reflecting new priorities identified by local people. The full list of requests for local highway schemes in the East Community Assembly can be found in a new Register, now available on the Council’s website. This register will act as the central source of all requests for projects which will be assessed by Transport and Highways staff for feasibility and then provides the basis for selecting future schemes in partnership with the local community and reflecting the Assembly’s Community Plan.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted




None declared.




Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




Not applicable.




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.




(NOTE: Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee for Call-in: Economic and Environmental Wellbeing)




Summary of Item 




The Assembly received a report of the Head of Transport and Highways regarding East Community Assembly Local Highway Schemes. In the absence of the Major Schemes Manager, Andrew McKie, the Community Assembly Manager presented the report.




It was noted that the East Community Assembly had an overall budget of £110,799 available for ‘local highway schemes’ in 2012/13, as part of devolving decisions and priorities on local issues and improving the responsiveness of the Council to meeting local requests.  The East Community Assembly had already agreed a list of schemes for implementation in 2011/12, and it was intended to continue and complete those schemes in the current financial year. The report now submitted contained an update on the actual progress of the limited number of schemes that were affordable within the current budgetary position.




Decision Taken




RESOLVED: That the East Community Assembly;


(a) notes the current budgetary position regarding funding availability (£110,779);


(b) notes the Duke Street briefing note contained within the report now submitted, and refers this issue to the Cabinet Highways Committee for its consideration and decision;


(c) notes the progress being made with the scheme on East Bank Road (Total £92,000);


(d) recognises the need for Ward nominations for small scheme improvements to a total cost of £5,000 per Ward;


(e) notes that as part of the Streets Ahead Contract, the Manor Estate, Base Green and Wybourn zones are programmed to be improved in 2013, and


(f) notes that the Woodthorpe 20 mph speed limit zone will be funded from strategic resources in 2013/2014. 




Reasons For The Decision




The East Community Assembly supports and funds highways schemes at the locations of the highest number of child accidents. The Community Assembly and Transport and Highways teams, in discussion with Ward Members, have analysed the requests from local residents and undertaken some preliminary feasibility work on a provisional list of potential projects, which has enabled the identification of a list of schemes to be implemented in 2012/13.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The programme of local highway schemes can be updated and added to as the year progresses, reflecting new priorities identified by local people. The full list of requests for local highway schemes in the East Community Assembly area can be found in a new register, now available on the Council’s website. This register will act as the central source of all requests for projects which will be assessed by Transport and Highways staff for feasibility and then provides the basis for selecting future schemes in partnership with the local community and reflecting the Assembly’s Community Plan.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted




None declared.




Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




Not applicable.




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.



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(NOTE: Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee for Call-in: Economic and Environmental Wellbeing)


Supporting documents: