Agenda item

Fostering and Adoption

Update on the Adoption Service following new regulations and guidance



The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, with regard to the latest developments in the area of Fostering and Adoption. In attendance for this item were Jon Banwell and Liz Spaven, Fostering and Adoption Service, Sheffield City Council.




Mr. Banwell reported that the Government were making changes nationally to adoption processes, in that the Government wanted to see the process speeded up. A new ‘adoption score card’ had been produced for this purpose.    




Members requested to see a copy of the new score card, and were also keen that the success of adoptive placements was not compromised by trying to rush adoptions through. It was essential not to introduce situations where adoptive placements may break down just to hit Government targets. Sheffield currently had a very low number of adoptive placement breakdowns, and Members were very keen that this success continued.




Mr. Banwell reported that no placements would be compromised just to meet targets, and that Sheffield had very robust processes in place, with no issues being picked up by Ofsted. He added that all permanency case plans were monitored on a monthly basis, and that the tracking of each case was very clear.




Mr. Banwell added that 2011/12 had been a fairly poor year in terms of adoptions, and that this could potentially be linked to the global recession. Nationally, there was a shortage of adopters, although Sheffield had a high number compared with other cities across the UK. A local campaign was to be devised to increase numbers of adopters, and Members wished to input into this. 




Some Members were disappointed that the role of the Adoption Panel had been diminished, as it had previously comprised ten members, and now had a quorum of just three. Mr. Banwell said that the situation was not ideal, but that he was still confident Sheffield had sufficiently robust systems in place in order to effectively approve adoptive placements. 




It was noted that children who were in custody were now classed as Looked After Children (LAC). It was hoped that Sheffield could retain as many of its LAC within the City boundaries as possible, to save money and provide better support to them.




Work was taking place to increase awareness of adoption/ fostering amongst BME communities, such as a recent event held at the Pakistani Muslim Centre. It was also noted that the religious and cultural wishes of the children were always respected throughout adoption.  Increased awareness work around single people being able to adopt was also ongoing.   




There was also an increased level of support being put into place to provide help to birth parents post-adoption.




Members mentioned that potential adopters/ fosterers may be put off by the ‘red tape’ involved with the process, but Mr. Banwell stated that a lot of this red tape had now disappeared, and he encouraged anyone to get in touch with the service who may be an interested party. He added that he and Ms. Spaven would be very pleased to come and talk to any interested groups. 




It was noted that potential adopters with medical/ mental health problems did not preclude them from adopting, but that all factors would be taken into account in assessment, on a case by case basis.




It was confirmed that some foster carers who had previously been registered with external agencies were now coming back into the Sheffield ‘in house’ team, as better support was in place.




Members requested information about what was required by Sheffield City Council in terms of potential adopters/ fosterers.




Members thanked the officers for their update and the excellent work achieved by the service.




RESOLVED: That the Committee requests that the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families;


(a) provides a copy of the adoptions scorecard;


(b) provides statistics about national trends regarding adoptions;


(c) follows up a request from Members to have an input into the next recruitment campaign for adoptions, and


(d) provides further information about what Sheffield City Council are looking for in potential adopters/fosterers.   


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