Agenda item

Petition Requesting Signs for the Existing School Keep Clear Markings on Pingle Road on the Approach to and at the Access into Dobcroft Junior and Infant School

Report of the Director of Development Services



The Director of Development Services submitted a report in response to a petition requesting signs for the existing School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road on the approach to and at the access into Dobcroft Junior and Infant School.









the petitioners be thanked for bringing their concerns to the attention of the Council; and






in light of the comments now made authority be given for the Head of Highway Services to advertise the intention to make a Traffic Regulation Order introducing no waiting between 08:35 and 09:05 hours and 15:25 and 15:55 hours in term time on the existing School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road, along with appropriate signage and, subject to no objections being received, approval to be given for the Order to be made in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended.





Reasons for Decision




The provision of a Traffic Regulation Order for the School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road at various times in term time was in response to the residents’ request and will aid better enforcement and discourage school related parking, hence improving road safety.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Proposed waiting restrictions in place of the School Keep Clear markings adjacent to the houses on Pingle Road was not supported by residents, although the Department of Transport advice is that to maintain motorists’ respect for the concept of School Keep Clear markings they should only be provided at locations where there are large amounts of people crossing.




The provision of bollards in the footway in the turning head area to help reduce conflict between vehicles and pedestrians, especially at school opening and closing times, was not supported by residents.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




Not applicable




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




The relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee to consider a call-in of the decision would be, in this instance, the Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee.






Signed By: …………………………………………………..

                     (Chair, South West Community Assembly)



Date: …………………………………………………………



The Director of Development Services submitted a report in response to a petition requesting signs for the existing School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road, on the approach to and at the access into Dobcroft Junior and Infant School.




Public Questions





Residents of Pingle Road at the meeting raised objections to the proposed measures being recommended in the report.  It was stated that the proposals were too invasive and not what was requested through the petition.  In particular, it was explained that the restrictions were too onerous, that it was perceived that the measures would not improve safety and the scheme was too costly for what had been requested.  It was further clarified that residents wanted the existing measures to be enforced.  In response, it was stated that the proposed scheme was the most appropriate solution to the problems being experienced by residents and that a Traffic Regulation Order was necessary to enforce parking restrictions.






In addition, the residents’ asked that the proposed bollards be withdrawn from the scheme, that all “School Keep Clear” markings remain and not be replaced by a single yellow line and that the restrictions be limited to 08.35 am to 09.05 am and 15.25pm to 15.55pm with signage provided accordingly.









the petitioners be thanked for bringing their concerns to the attention of the Council; and






in light of the comments now made, authority be given for the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services to advertise the intention to make a Traffic Regulation Order introducing no waiting between 08:35 and 09:05 hours and 15:25 and 15:55 hours in term time on the existing School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road, along with appropriate signage and, subject to no objections being received, approval be given for the Order to be made in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended.





Reasons for Decision




The provision of a Traffic Regulation Order for the School Keep Clear markings on Pingle Road at various times in term time was in response to the residents’ request and would aid better enforcement and discourage school related parking, hence improving road safety.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Proposed waiting restrictions in place of the School Keep Clear markings adjacent to the houses on Pingle Road was not supported by residents, although the Department of Transport advice is that to maintain motorists’ respect for the concept of School Keep Clear markings they should only be provided at locations where there are large amounts of people crossing.




The provision of bollards in the footway in the turning head area to help reduce conflict between vehicles and pedestrians, especially at school opening and closing times, was not supported by residents.


Supporting documents: