Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public at the meeting





There were no petitions presented to the Assembly.




Public Questions


Responses were provided to public questions as follows:-




Cold Calling


Inspector Simon Leake, South Yorkshire Police, stated that the Police could assist in the setting up of cold calling zones in conjunction with the Council’s Trading Standards Service.  He asked the questioner to leave their contact details so that a Police Community Support Officer could contact them with a view to setting up such a zone in the Sandstone Avenue area.




Litter in the Burngreave Ward


Councillor Ibrar Hussain reported that the Ward Councillors had undertaken a walkabout of the area with representatives from Amey and had formed a task group to look at the issues raised in relation to street cleaning and litter.  The thirteen week cycle of cleaning was being reviewed and a meeting was to take place the following day to consider how the situation in the Burngreave Ward could be improved.  He would discuss this further with the questioner after the meeting.  Councillor Jackie Drayton highlighted the need for changing people’s attitudes and education in relation to dropping litter and referred to the work being undertaken with schools.  She encouraged people to ring up and report any issues and indicated that cameras could be used in known litter hotspots.




Missed Refuse and Recycling Collections


Councillor Ibrar Hussain stated that he would liaise with the Cabinet Member in respect of reports of missed refuse and recycling collections in the Assembly area, in his capacity as assistant to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Recycling and Streetscene.




Community Assemblies


The Chair, Councillor Peter Price, indicated that proposals were being considered to replace the Community Assemblies with a more Ward based structure, with a small amount of funding being available for each Ward and staff being centrally based.  It was proposed that the Partner Panels would continue to have responsibility for cross Ward issues.  He added that these measures were driven by the need to make budget savings but no firm decisions had yet been made as to how they would work in practice.  It was also proposed that there would be some devolved highways budget and that schemes such as the 20mph Zones would still proceed.  Any decisions on a restructure would have to be agreed by full Council.  A further round of consultation was to be held and it was possible that structures may differ from area to area as different communities had different requirements.  Councillor Jackie Drayton highlighted the need for the Council to fulfil its statutory duties, which were those imposed by legislation.  In conclusion, the Chair added that Members would continue to work across Ward boundaries.




Tipping and Litter on Wincobank Lane


The Chair indicated that consideration would be given to the installation of a mobile camera to identify or deter those tipping or dropping litter at the identified location on Wincobank Lane.