Agenda item

Disposal of Land at Sevenairs Road, Beighton

Report of the Executive Director, Communities.



The Executive Director, Communities, submitted a report referring to the fact that the Guinness Northern Counties has secured an allocation of grant from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Affordable Homes Programme for 2011/15 and which included funding for supported accommodation for those experiencing mental ill health, which formed part of Sheffield’s Local Investment Plan as approved by Cabinet on 24 August 2011.




It was explained in the report that a suitable site has been identified at Sevenairs Road in Beighton and that the delivery of the scheme required the Council to dispose of this land at nil consideration.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





declares the land now shown at Appendix A to be surplus to the requirements of the City Council and, subject to planning permission, be disposed of to Guinness Northern Counties at nil consideration for use as social housing; and






authorises the Director of Property and Facilities Management to (i) agree final terms for the disposal of the site to deliver the scheme set out in the report, including the variation of any boundaries as required, in consultation with the Director of Housing Enterprise and Regeneration and (ii) instruct the Director of Legal Services to complete the necessary legal documentation.





Reasons for Decision




There is currently an under provision of specialist supported housing for people who experience mental ill health in Sheffield. The need has been identified for more housing with flexible support to meet the needs of a younger population with mental health problems who require short to medium term support to enable their recovery towards greater independence. This gap in provision has led to a number of people being inappropriately accommodated in expensive registered residential care. The proposed development would benefit clients across the city due to the increase in choice and dispersal of resources.




There is a particular gap in provision in the south east of the city where there are no suitable units of supported housing for this client group. Clients from this area have to relocate to central/north Sheffield for rehabilitation placements, which has removed some from their neighbourhood and family ties. The Sevenairs Road site represents the best available option within the south east of the city in terms of affordability and access to amenities




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other sites were considered and GNC conducted a search for suitable private sector land in the south east of the city. Some sites were provisionally identified but they did not compare to Sevenairs Road in terms of affordability and access to amenities.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Richard Webb, Executive Director, Communities.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities




The Executive Director, Communities, submitted a report referring to the fact that the Guinness Northern Counties has secured an allocation of grant from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Affordable Homes Programme for 2011/15 and which included funding for supported accommodation for those experiencing mental ill health, which formed part of Sheffield’s Local Investment Plan as approved by Cabinet on 24 August 2011.




It was explained in the report that a suitable site has been identified at Sevenairs Road in Beighton and that the delivery of the scheme required the Council to dispose of this land at nil consideration.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





declares the land now shown at Appendix A to be surplus to the requirements of the City Council and, subject to planning permission, be disposed of to Guinness Northern Counties at nil consideration for use as social housing; and






authorises the Director of Property and Facilities Management to (i) agree final terms for the disposal of the site to deliver the scheme set out in the report, including the variation of any boundaries as required, in consultation with the Director of Housing Enterprise and Regeneration and (ii) instruct the Director of Legal Services to complete the necessary legal documentation.





Reasons for Decision




There is currently an under provision of specialist supported housing for people who experience mental ill health in Sheffield. The need has been identified for more housing with flexible support to meet the needs of a younger population with mental health problems who require short to medium term support to enable their recovery towards greater independence. This gap in provision has led to a number of people being inappropriately accommodated in expensive registered residential care. The proposed development would benefit clients across the city due to the increase in choice and dispersal of resources.




There is a particular gap in provision in the south east of the city where there are no suitable units of supported housing for this client group. Clients from this area have to relocate to central/north Sheffield for rehabilitation placements, which has removed some from their neighbourhood and family ties. The Sevenairs Road site represents the best available option within the south east of the city in terms of affordability and access to amenities




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other sites were considered and GNC conducted a search for suitable private sector land in the south east of the city. Some sites were provisionally identified but they did not compare to Sevenairs Road in terms of affordability and access to amenities.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Richard Webb, Executive Director, Communities.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities


Supporting documents: