Agenda item

Former Hesley Wood Tip: Smithy Wood Road, Chapeltown



Kate Mansell reported that she had received a number of emails from local residents in respect of possible breaches of planning conditions in relation to the development at the site of the former Hesley Wood Tip, Smithy Wood, Chapeltown. She commented that Recycoal had undertaken the majority of the tree work required. They had not breached any of the conditions and the position of the fencing had been agreed with officers. They had further submitted a pre-commencement conditions discharge so there had been no breaches at this stage as far as officers were concerned.




RESOLVED: That the Chair of the Committee be requested to liaise with officers with a view to providing regular update reports to the Committee in respect of progress on the development at the site of the former Hesley Wood Tip, Smithy Wood Road, Chapeltown.