Agenda item

Community Safety Update 2013

Presentation by Inspector Paul McCurry, Head of Community Safety



Inspector Phil Shaw, Local Authority Liaison Officer, South Yorkshire Police, and Sarah Banks, Head of Safer and Sustainable Communities, gave a presentation on the Community Safety Update 2013.  The presentation provided information on the Police and Crime Commissioner, Police and Crime Panels, the Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership’s priorities and the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment.




In terms of performance, it was reported that levels of anti-social behaviour were down, showing a 13% reduction as compared to 2011/12, levels of the reporting of hate crime had increased, with specific increases relating to disability hate crime and although burglary had shown an increase of 2%, a number of targeted actions were being taken to address this increase.  There had also been a steady decrease in levels of victim-based crime in the City from 2008 to July 2012.




Reference was also made to the achievements made, specifically the Partnership Resource Allocation Meeting (PRAM), Community Justice Panels and the facility for reporting hate crime at the First Point Reception at Howden House, as well as details of the budget, future challenges and future targets.




Members of the Committee raised questions and the following responses were provided:-




·         In connection with the reduction in overall levels of domestic violence, whilst there were no statistics relating specifically to rape available at the meeting, the Police were in the process of establishing a dedicated unit to deal with rape.




·         In connection with the disability aspect of hate crime, consideration had been given to assisting those victims who were not able to access the reporting centre at the First Point Reception at Howden House.  A number of talks had been made at events and meetings attended by disability groups, with more planned, where help and advice had been provided to people with disabilities who had either been victims of hate crime, or could potentially be victims.  Work had also been undertaken to encourage people with disabilities and their relatives, friends and carers, to report any incidents of hate crime.  Arrangements were being made to attend a future meeting of the Learning and Disability Board to highlight the issues.




·         Whilst the Police would continue to direct resources into reducing levels of shoplifting, which included the Retail Crime Unit working closely with retailers on this issue, the Government had requested that more resources be directed to targeting victim-based crime.




·         A new operation had been introduced in terms of burglaries, whereby following a burglary, officers would undertake intensive house to house questioning, with the aim of raising people’s attention, as well as seeking evidence to solve the crime.  It was hoped that this approach would force people living within the vicinity to consider improving the security of their homes.  The Police were also undertaking high visibility and covert patrols in areas with high burglary rates.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-





notes the information reported as part of the presentation now made, together with the responses to the questions raised; and






thanks Inspector Phil Shaw and Sarah Banks for the presentation now made.


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