Agenda item

City Council, Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England Plans for 2013-14



Sheffield City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Plans 2013-14




Joe Fowler, Director of Commissioning, Sheffield City Council, introduced a report of the Chief Executive, Sheffield City Council, summarising the Council’s commissioning intentions and detailing investments and savings which the Council planned to make in 2013/14.




RESOLVED: that the Board notes and supports the work done by Sheffield City Council to contribute to the outcomes and priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy in 2013-14 and into 2014-15.




NHS Sheffield CCG Commissioning Intentions




Tim Furness, Director of Business Planning and Partnerships, NHS Sheffield CCG, introduced a report of the Chief Officer, NHS England CCG, which set out the CGC’s plans for 2013/14, developed by clinical leaders in the CCG and previously discussed by the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board. The document, which described how the plans contributed to the outcomes which the Board wished to achieve, had been approved by the CCG’s Governing Body on 4 April 2013.




The Board discussed the extent to which other groups, including the Local Involvement Network (LINk) and, in the future, Healthwatch Sheffield could influence CCG commissioning intentions. The involvement of children and young people and other hard to reach groups in the work of Healthwatch was also raised. The significant participation of GPs in the development of the CCG’s plans was noted.




RESOLVED: that the Board notes and supports the Clinical Commissioning Group’s plans for 2013/14 and the contribution they will make to the outcomes described in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.




NHS England Progress Report




Margaret Kitching, Director of Quality and Nursing, NHS England (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw), submitted a report, which explained how NHS England, a body created on 1 April 2013, would work; and described its functions and objectives. The report also described progress in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw and outlined future challenges.




The Board discussed its role in ensuring that Sheffield received a fair deal as regards the allocation to health funding and resources and it was explained that there had been close liaison between NHS England and the CCG regarding contracts.




RESOLVED: that the Board notes the progress report concerning NHS England, including its functions, objectives and future challenges and the contribution to the outcomes of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS).


Supporting documents: