Agenda item

Highway Improvement Scheme, Sainsbury Superstore, Wadsley Bridge

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report providing details of the highway improvement works associated with the Sainsbury store, which is to be built off Clay Wheels Lane. The report also informs members of the public consultation that had been undertaken associated with these works. Approval was sought for the design and implementation of the highway improvement proposals.




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Business, Skills and Development:-





approves the highway improvement works shown on drawing number VD12024-D111revB; attached to the report; and






delegates authority to the Head of Highways Maintenance Client and the Director of Legal Services to negotiate and complete the necessary Section 278 Highways Act agreement to secure the construction of these works.





Reasons for Decision




To facilitate the construction of the new retail store, these improvements are seen as an essential element to ensure safe access to the site is provided, and the impact of the new development traffic is mitigated, as far as is reasonably practical. The proposals address the requirements of the planning consent granted by the Planning Board.




The provision of this store is fully supported by the City Council, and is viewed as an essential element of the regeneration proposals for the Clay Wheels Lane area.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




In the Transport Assessments (TA) undertaken the external consultants identified the mitigation measures which subsequently formed the basis of the relevant conditions to the planning consent granted for the store.




As part of the planning approval process, a number of alternative access layouts were considered including alternative access arrangements for the new store and retaining the existing roundabout, following a detailed review of these options it was concluded that the signalised junction arrangements outlined in Appendix A to the report do offer the best all round solution.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report providing details of the highway improvement works associated with the Sainsbury store, which is to be built off Clay Wheels Lane. The report also informs members of the public consultation that had been undertaken associated with these works. Approval was sought for the design and implementation of the highway improvement proposals.




Mick Nott, representing Cycle Sheffield, attended the session to make representations to the Cabinet Member. He stated that he did not believe that cyclists had been considered adequately when drawing up the proposals. It should be customer practice to consult with cyclists and cycle groups and this had not happened on this occasion.




Clay Wheels Lane was intended as a SUSTRANS Cycle Network route and that should be a route where a 12 year old could cycle with confidence and the proposals would call that into question. The Penistone Road Cycle Path would not be connected with the cycle route designed in the proposals initially and this would be confusing for many.




Mr Nott believed that the proposals put the convenience of motor traffic above the needs of pedestrians and cyclists. Feedback that he had received from cyclists was that they would not use the new route. In conclusion, he believed that not enough consultation had taken place with cyclists at an early stage and the proposals put the needs of motor users above cyclists.




Matt Turner, a cyclist and local resident of the area, requested that the Cabinet Member did not approve the scheme. There was no mention in the report of the concerns raised by Cycle Sheffield. The routes were inconvenient for cyclists. On his route, using the new cycle route, he would have to pass through 16 traffic signals whereas there would only be 2 traffic signals for motor users.




In response, Ian Wheeldon, Highways Development Control Manager, commented that he had only recently been made aware of the concerns of cycle users. A meeting would shortly be arranged with the developer, Council officers and cyclists to enable them to express their views. Cyclists and pedestrians were considered at an early stage and developers were required to submit a Transport Assessment when submitting a planning application.




He further commented that, unfortunately, a situation suitable for all was difficult to achieve as officers and developers had to work within existing highway constraints. Officers could only oblige the developer to do what was reasonable within their development. An off carriageway facility had been provided along the route. Despite some concerns the zebra crossing on Penistone Road would not be lost as part of this scheme.




John Bann, Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services added that officers had now made a commitment to undertaking Cycle Audits which would help with future schemes when considering the needs of cyclists. Officers could report back to a future session with further information on the proposals which would impact on cyclists in this scheme.




Councillor Leigh Bramall, Cabinet Member for Business, Skills and Development, thanked the members of the public for their attendance. He was minded to approve the scheme but appreciated the concerns that the cyclists had expressed and requested detailed feedback from the meeting that was to take place between the developers, officers and cycle users, to see if further more formal consideration of the proposed cycle facilities was required.




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Business, Skills and Development:-





approves the highway improvement works shown on drawing number VD12024-D111revB; attached to the report; and






delegates authority to the Head of Highways Maintenance Client and the Director of Legal Services to negotiate and complete the necessary Section 278 Highways Act agreement to secure the construction of these works.





Reasons for Decision




To facilitate the construction of the new retail store, these improvements are seen as an essential element to ensure safe access to the site is provided, and the impact of the new development traffic is mitigated, as far as is reasonably practical. The proposals address the requirements of the planning consent granted by the Planning Board.




The provision of this store is fully supported by the City Council, and is viewed as an essential element of the regeneration proposals for the Clay Wheels Lane area.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




In the Transport Assessments (TA) undertaken the external consultants identified the mitigation measures which subsequently formed the basis of the relevant conditions to the planning consent granted for the store.




As part of the planning approval process, a number of alternative access layouts were considered including alternative access arrangements for the new store and retaining the existing roundabout, following a detailed review of these options it was concluded that the signalised junction arrangements outlined in Appendix A to the report do offer the best all round solution.




Supporting documents: