Agenda item

Sheffield Moors Partnership and Masterplan

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking support for the Sheffield Moors Partnership (SMP), a unique partnership with the purpose of leading an innovative approach to deliver the vision of the SMP area as the UK’s leading model on how the uplands should be managed in the future and securing the long term sustainability of this wild and open landscape. The report also sought formal support from the Council as a key land owner for the recently developed Sheffield Moors Masterplan.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





supports the work of the Sheffield Moors Partnership and agrees that the City Council should continue its collaborative work within the Partnership;






endorses the Sheffield Moors Masterplan and as a major land owner and partner in the area agrees it as a statement of the City Council’s vision for the Sheffield Moors; and






authorises the Director of Capital and Major Projects, provided the disposal has been advertised and no objections received, to negotiate a lease with the RSPB and National Trust for Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors on terms that meet the requirements set out in the report and to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance to complete the necessary legal documentation.





Reasons for Decision




The recommendations were made to ensure the improved coordinated management of a locally, nationally and internationally important landscape. This partnership and masterplan provided the best opportunity for partnership working cross a landscape scale area of land that was fundamental to Sheffield’s identity and success.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative options for visioning work across the SMP area had been considered, including continuing with the current approach where individual land owners and managers continued to focus generally on their own land holdings, with a degree of partnership working with adjoining land managers/owners. This option was not considered appropriate going forward because of the missed opportunities to develop a much greater ‘joined-up’ approach to the landscape as a whole, whether it be to take up opportunities to improve access into and across the whole area in a strategic way for example, or to maximise the use of available resources and secure future funding streams to deliver conservation and access management.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking support for the Sheffield Moors Partnership (SMP), a unique partnership with the purpose of leading an innovative approach to deliver the vision of the SMP area as the UK’s leading model on how the uplands should be managed in the future and securing the long term sustainability of this wild and open landscape. The report also sought formal support from the Council as a key land owner for the recently developed Sheffield Moors Masterplan.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





supports the work of the Sheffield Moors Partnership and agrees that the City Council should continue its collaborative work within the Partnership;






endorses the Sheffield Moors Masterplan and as a major land owner and partner in the area agrees it as a statement of the City Council’s vision for the Sheffield Moors; and






authorises the Director of Capital and Major Projects, provided the disposal has been advertised and no objections received, to negotiate a lease with the RSPB and National Trust for Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors on terms that meet the requirements set out in the report and to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance to complete the necessary legal documentation.





Reasons for Decision




The recommendations were made to ensure the improved coordinated management of a locally, nationally and internationally important landscape. This partnership and masterplan provided the best opportunity for partnership working cross a landscape scale area of land that was fundamental to Sheffield’s identity and success.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative options for visioning work across the SMP area had been considered, including continuing with the current approach where individual land owners and managers continued to focus generally on their own land holdings, with a degree of partnership working with adjoining land managers/owners. This option was not considered appropriate going forward because of the missed opportunities to develop a much greater ‘joined-up’ approach to the landscape as a whole, whether it be to take up opportunities to improve access into and across the whole area in a strategic way for example, or to maximise the use of available resources and secure future funding streams to deliver conservation and access management.




Supporting documents: