Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10th July, 2013



The minutes of meeting of the Committee held on 10th July 2013, were approved as a correct record and, arising therefrom:-




(a)       in response to a query from Councillor Ian Auckland, the Chair stated that there had been regular contact between Council and Amey officers and Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Environment, Recycling and Streetscene, and Northern Powergrid following the concerns raised regarding the standard and timescales in respect of repairs to street lights, and that she believed that arrangements had been made for signs to be fixed to street lights, indicating that any works connected to power failures were the responsibility of Northern Powergrid, and not the Council or Amey;




(b)       in response to a query from Councillor Ibrar Hussain, relating to the timescales in respect of works undertaken by Northern Powergrid in terms of repairs to street lights, the Chair stated that, as agreed at the meeting, a further update on the Streets Ahead Project would be provided at a future Committee meeting, with a review being undertaken during this period on Northern Powergrid’s performance, and if it was found there had been no improvements, that Company’s Chief Executive, or representative, would be invited to a meeting of this Committee to explain the Company’s performance; and




(c)        the Chair stated that, as requested at the meeting, a Task and Finish Group had been established, details of which would be reported later on in the meeting.


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