Agenda item

Developing the Social Model of Public Health

Report of the Executive Director, Communities





The Executive Director, Communities submitted a report setting out the work undertaken by the Members’ Task and Finish Group on Public Health to develop the Social Model of public health within the City, and included a proposal to adopt the Social Model as part of the Council’s overall vision for Public Health as agreed at Cabinet during 2012. In addition the report set out the outcome of the first area of public health investment which had been reviewed within the context of the Social Model: the Healthy Communities Programme.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the adoption of the Social Model of Public Health as an addition to the policy statement set out in the vision for Public Health agreed at Cabinet on 25 January 2012;






approves the direction of travel for changes to the current Health Communities Programme and requests the Director of Public Health and the Executive Director, Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Independent Living and the Executive Director, resources to develop and implement a plan to achieve these changes on a phased and structured basis during 2014/15;






agrees delegated approval to take forward proposed changes to the Healthy Communities Programme. The implementation plan should build on what wider evidence there is to develop a programme which delivers maximum impact to the current Healthy Communities areas, in the context of the Social Model. The Plan needs to reflect Members wishes to see delivery of the Task and Finish recommendations implemented as quickly as is reasonably practicable, reflecting the need to ensure the proposals fit seamlessly with the localities proposals and addressing any legal and HR requirements arising from the recent transfer of Public Health into the Local Authority. It should also address the issue of rebranding the programme to fit in with the localities programme; and






approves giving six months’ notice to create Voluntary Community and Faith sector providers within the Healthy Communities Programme, consistent with the VCF Compact and current contractual obligations, and that an engagement exercise commences with potential VCF providers about future arrangements.





Reasons for Decision




The new responsibilities of the Local Authority regarding Public Health presented opportunities for the Council to bring its influence and resources to bear on the long standing health inequalities across the City. These recommendations sought to create a framework and commence delivery on approaches to addressing these inequalities. The proposals better reflected the organisations experience and understanding of local communities whilst acknowledging the good practice locally and nationally.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




During the course of the Task and Finish Group several academic and practical interpretations of Public Health approaches were considered but the consensus in the group was that the proposed most succinctly represented the evidence and experience they had received.




The recommendations regarding the Healthy Communities Programmes were reached through a process of analysis of inputs, outputs and outcomes along with expertise from the programme area. The recommendations reflected the conclusions of the Group.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Richard Webb, Executive Director, Communities




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care


Supporting documents: