Agenda item

Bus Hotspots Programme: Proposals for Bocking Lane, Reney Road and Reney Avenue at Greenhill

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking approval to implement proposals as part of the Sheffield Bus Hotspots programme.









unresolved objections to the Traffic Regulation Order be overruled and the revised scheme be implemented;






any remaining objectors and other respondents be written to to inform them of this decision;






the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services be requested to liaise with the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) as to the possibility of reducing the number of bus stops on Bocking Lane; and






the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services be requested to investigate the possibility of the creation of additional parking on Reaney Avenue, particularly whether the Council land opposite the church hall could be used for parking.





Reasons for Decision




There is significant benefit to be gained from the scheme, which strikes a good balance between the various demands on the local highway from high frequency bus services and passengers; local traffic; parking demand and pedestrian accessibility. It fits with the aim of the Hotspots programme to make bus journeys quicker and more reliable through infrastructure and other improvements at key locations.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other options considered included (1) the originally advertised proposal of more waiting restrictions on Reney Avenue – which would have further improved traffic flow; and (2) not providing parking areas on Reney Road – which would have reduced scheme costs; as well as (3) the ‘do nothing’ alternative.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking approval to implement proposals as part of the Sheffield Bus Hotspots programme.




Mrs Riggott, a resident of Reney Avenue, commented that she acknowledged that double yellow lines were needed in the area to allow for the free running of bus services. However, the proposals did not go far enough to resolve the problem of insufficient parking spaces in the local area, particularly with a school, doctors and church nearby. The addition of double yellow lines on Reney Avenue would lead to additional parking problems on the road. There was a grassed area outside numbers 23 and 48 and a grassed verge opposite numbers 11-25 which could be used to create parking spaces.




Steve Jackson, a resident of Allenby Close, commented that he did not believe the proposals would resolve problems as the major problem was cars parking illegally and inconsiderately and this would not change. The reduction in visibility pulling out of Allenby Close as a result of the proposals would be an accident waiting to happen. He also believed that there were too many bus stops on Bocking Lane which added to the problem.




In response, Cate Jockel, Senior Transport Planner, reported that objections had been received from residents of Reney Avenue and the plans had been amended as a result. No objections to the proposals had been received from the school or the church. She acknowledged that there was a problem in the area as it was on a very frequent bus route. Additional parking bays had been introduced on Reney Road, although it was accepted that there would be less parking overall in the area.




James Burdett, Highways Engineer, commented that he was aware of the issues raised in relation to Allenby Close. He would speak to enforcement officers in respect of illegal parking in the area. There was a minimum of 2 metres from the wall to the kerbline so he believed the visibility when pulling out would not be a problem. The introduction of the bus stop clearway should keep the location free from parked cars.









unresolved objections to the Traffic Regulation Order be overruled and the revised scheme be implemented;






any remaining objectors and other respondents be written to to inform them of this decision;






the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services be requested to liaise with the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) as to the possibility of reducing the number of bus stops on Bocking Lane; and






the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services be requested to investigate the possibility of the creation of additional parking on Reaney Avenue, particularly whether the Council land opposite the church hall could be used for parking.





Reasons for Decision




There is significant benefit to be gained from the scheme, which strikes a good balance between the various demands on the local highway from high frequency bus services and passengers; local traffic; parking demand and pedestrian accessibility. It fits with the aim of the Hotspots programme to make bus journeys quicker and more reliable through infrastructure and other improvements at key locations.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other options considered included (1) the originally advertised proposal of more waiting restrictions on Reney Avenue – which would have further improved traffic flow; and (2) not providing parking areas on Reney Road – which would have reduced scheme costs; as well as (3) the ‘do nothing’ alternative.




Supporting documents: