Agenda item

Schedule of Requirements for Bed and Breakfast Accommodation used to House Homeless Households

Report of the Executive Director, Communities



The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Communities, which provided Members with information to enable them to provide an input into the revision of the Schedule of Requirements (SOR) that was in place, between the Council and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) establishments which were used to accommodate homeless households.  Attached to the report was the current SOR. 




The report was introduced by Zoe Young, Service Manager, Housing Options and Advice, who particularly referred to the need to revise the present SOR and was also pleased to inform the Committee that, at the present time, the Council had no homeless families in B&B accommodation. 




Members made various comments, particularly in relation to the high standard of B&B accommodation which some of them had visited.  It was felt though that more information could be provided to the residents on local transport facilities and how to find their way around the areas surrounding the accommodation.




In response to Members’ questions, Zoe Young stated that officers were working with the appropriate agencies to improve out of hours provision, particularly in relation to young people and families.  She added that work was also being undertaken with Asiana in relation to the provision of dispersed properties and with the B&Bs as to the provision of facilities for different cultures and religions.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:




(a)       thanks Zoe Young for her contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report and the responses to questions; and




(c)        agrees that the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, writes to the Executive Director, Communities, to congratulate staff on achieving a situation where the Council had no homeless families presently in Bed and Breakfast accommodation.


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