Agenda item

Work Programme 2013/14

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Policy and Improvement Officer, Diane Owens, submitted a paper containing the Committee’s Work Programme 2013/14, indicating that there had been two amendments to the version circulated with the agenda, which included a report on Looked-After Children and Care Leavers at the meeting on 6th February 2014, and an update on the Early Years’ Service at the meeting on 3rd April 2014.




Ms Owens referred to the work of the Nutrition and Hydration Working Group, which had been established by the Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee, indicating that, to date, the Working Group had focussed its work on the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and had recently produced a final report on its findings. Together with this report, the Working Group had recommended that its work be extended to including observation visits to Weston Park, Royal Hallamshire and Jessops Hospitals. The Working Group also indicated that it would be happy to undertake an observation visit to the Children’s Hospital, on behalf of this Committee, and report its findings to both this and the Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee.     




RESOLVED: That (a) the Committee notes the contents of the Work Programme 2013/14, including details of the changes now reported; and




(b) accepts the offer from the Nutrition and Hydration Working Group now reported.




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