Agenda item

Investing in Sheffield's Local Transport System: 2013/14 Update and 2014/15 Proposals

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining progress in delivering the Council’s overall transport capital programme in 2013/14; and seeking outline approval for the draft programme for 2014/15




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:-





endorses the updated current 2013/14 Local Transport Plan programme;






approves the proposed allocations for the draft 2014/15 Local Transport Plan programme, as indicative priorities for consideration within the Council’s overall budget setting process, due to be received by Cabinet early in the New Year;






endorses the continued 2013/14 and 2014/15 programmes for Local Sustainable Transport Funds, the Better Buses Area Fund (BBAF) and the Better Bus Area (BB2) as approved by the Department for Transport;






notes the differing levels of flexibility available for the various funding streams; and






instructs officers to seek appropriate financial approval for each project through the Council’s formal Cabinet approval process.





Reasons for Decision




Council Officers have worked with South Yorkshire partners, SYITA Members and the relevant Cabinet Lead Members to ensure that the proposed LTP Capital Programmes for 2013/14 and 2014/15 and the current LSTF and BBAF programmes meet the objectives of ‘A Vision for Excellent Transport’, ‘Standing up for Sheffield’, and the Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The splits in funding of each block could be spent in any number of ways. However, the current proposal is based on the City Council working with South Yorkshire partners and Cabinet Lead Members on Transport, Highways and Environmental matters to ensure that the proposed LTP Capital Programmes for 2013/14 and 2014/15 meet the objectives of ‘A Vision for Excellent Transport’, ‘Standing up for Sheffield, and the South Yorkshire LTP whilst maximising the opportunities presented through the ‘Streets Ahead’ Programme.




For LTSF, Better Buses and Pinch Point Funding, alternative options are limited as the bids were based on delivering specific types of outputs and outcomes. However, within that scope, there is some flexibility to change the specific locations of interventions.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining progress in delivering the Council’s overall transport capital programme in 2013/14; and seeking outline approval for the draft programme for 2014/15




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:-





endorses the updated current 2013/14 Local Transport Plan programme;






approves the proposed allocations for the draft 2014/15 Local Transport Plan programme, as indicative priorities for consideration within the Council’s overall budget setting process, due to be received by Cabinet early in the New Year;






endorses the continued 2013/14 and 2014/15 programmes for Local Sustainable Transport Funds, the Better Buses Area Fund (BBAF) and the Better Bus Area (BB2) as approved by the Department for Transport;






notes the differing levels of flexibility available for the various funding streams; and






instructs officers to seek appropriate financial approval for each project through the Council’s formal Cabinet approval process.





Reasons for Decision




Council Officers have worked with South Yorkshire partners, SYITA Members and the relevant Cabinet Lead Members to ensure that the proposed LTP Capital Programmes for 2013/14 and 2014/15 and the current LSTF and BBAF programmes meet the objectives of ‘A Vision for Excellent Transport’, ‘Standing up for Sheffield’, and the Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The splits in funding of each block could be spent in any number of ways. However, the current proposal is based on the City Council working with South Yorkshire partners and Cabinet Lead Members on Transport, Highways and Environmental matters to ensure that the proposed LTP Capital Programmes for 2013/14 and 2014/15 meet the objectives of ‘A Vision for Excellent Transport’, ‘Standing up for Sheffield, and the South Yorkshire LTP whilst maximising the opportunities presented through the ‘Streets Ahead’ Programme.




For LTSF, Better Buses and Pinch Point Funding, alternative options are limited as the bids were based on delivering specific types of outputs and outcomes. However, within that scope, there is some flexibility to change the specific locations of interventions.




Supporting documents: