Agenda item

Better Outcomes for Children and Young People's Pledge



The Board considered a report requesting that it sign up to the Better Health Outcomes for Children and Young People Pledge. The Children’s Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board had committed to sign-up to working to achieve the ambitions outlined in the Pledge and requested that this Board also gives its endorsement.




Members of the Board commented, as follows:




The Looked After Children Pledge and the Better Health Outcomes for Children and Young People Pledge would benefit from being joined together.




That, whilst the ambitions and commitment sought might be supported, some consideration should also be given to the resource implications and performance metrics.




RESOLVED: that (i) the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families is requested to produce a revised report concerning the Better Outcomes for Children and Young People Pledge and the Looked After Children Pledge to be submitted to the next meeting of the Board on 27th March 2014.


Supporting documents: