Agenda item

Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership

Report of the Interim Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods



The Committee received a report of the Interim Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods, which outlined how the co-ordinated work undertaken by the Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership was contributing to reducing the number of people experiencing crime and anti-social behaviour and helping to build stronger communities. 




The report was supported by a presentation given by Sarah Banks, Head of Safer and Sustainable Communities, and Inspector Phil Shaw, South Yorkshire Police, which provided a background to the Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership, outlined its strategic priorities, reported on the annual Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment and its priorities for 2013, gave details of performance and crime costs, made reference to the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner and highlighted other changes and challenges.  Inspector Shaw provided up to date detailed information on Police Performance which showed an overall decrease in crime of 7.9% with 2,200 fewer victims than in the previous 12 months.  Most areas of crime showed decreases, but specific mention was made of an increase in religiously or racially motivated crime which had increased by 30%, but it was emphasised that this involved very low numbers and that an increase in reporting could be a positive sign of increased confidence in the Police.  Robbery and violent crime had shown an increase, but this was largely down to a series of robberies in one geographical area of the City.  Historical figures showed that there had been reductions in most crimes continuously over the last 10 years. 




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follows:-




·                     Any discussions with private security firms would be held at Chief Officer level within the South Yorkshire Police.




·                     The importance of the Police working with communities was emphasised.




·                     The long term trend in relation to burglaries was heading in the right direction.




·                     Further statistics would be obtained and sent to Councillor Keith Hill.




·                     The performance figures quoted were checked and audited appropriately and there was no reason to believe these were inaccurate.  The Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership Board was presented with the performance statistics and any dramatic changes would be picked up there. 




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Sarah Banks and Inspector Shaw for their contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report and the responses to questions; and




(c)        endorses the Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership Plan priorities for 2014/17 as set out in the report.


Supporting documents: