Agenda item

Inquiry on Cycling in Sheffield - Update

Report of the Cycling Inquiry Task and Finish Group



The Committee considered a report on the Cycling Inquiry Task and Finish Group providing an update on the work of the Group, and setting out draft recommendations in terms of the outcome of the Inquiry.




The Policy and Improvement Officer referred to the vision in terms of the Cycling Inquiry, and the recommendations under the three headings set out in the report – Getting the Right Infrastructure in Place, Getting People Cycling and Strong Leadership.  He circulated a paper containing suggested amendments to the wording of the vision and the recommendations, and Members considered the paper, making comments and raising a number of suggested amendments to the wording, as follows:-




·         Consider rewording the reference in the Vision to the “whole of Sheffield” as some people were unable to cycle.




·         Amend the Vision to include reference to cycling playing its part in a fully integrated transport network that would encourage reduced car usage, alleviate congestion and ease pollution across the whole of the City.




·         The Integrated Transport Authority changes to become part of the Combined Authority from 1st April, 2014.




·         Amend the “Integrating Cycling with Public Transport” section to include “priority should be given to trials on the Supertram network”. The Committee strongly recommended that this was undertaken within the next 12 months.




·         In the “Integrating Cycling with Public Transport” section, amend the reference to “long-term” to “medium-term”.




·         The sections on “Tour de France” and “Tourism” require more detail and could be combined into one section.




·         The section on “Tourism” could make reference to specific areas, eg. Parkwood Springs, but should be done as an example of a wider point.




·         The section on “Political Leadership” should be at the start of the recommendations.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the report now submitted, together with the comments now made;




(b)       agrees the recommendations set out in the report, subject to the amendments made at this meeting;




(c)     delegates authority to the Task and Finish Group, through the Chair, the task of compiling the final report;




(d)       requests that the final report on the Inquiry on Cycling in Sheffield be circulated to all Members of the Committee for information, as well as other relevant individuals, groups and organisations, particularly those who had taken part in the Inquiry; and




(e)       thanks Mick Nott, Chair of Cycle Sheffield, for the valuable work he had undertaken as part of the Cycling Inquiry Task and Finish Group.


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