Agenda item

Implementation of the Allocations Policy

Report of the Assistant Director, Council Housing Service



The Committee received a report of the Assistant Director, Council Housing Service, which provided an update on the implementation of the new Allocations Policy.  The report was presented by Jasper South, Assistant Director, Council Housing Service, who made particular reference to the seven key issues involved and progress made in addressing these.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follows:-




·                A full customer satisfaction survey was to be completed in the next four weeks, but anecdotal evidence suggested that the implementation of the new policy had been well received.  It was early days to judge the effect on empty properties, as it was felt that the new policy was still in the settling down process.  There had been an improvement in turnaround times but a drop in demand for three-bedroomed properties had been noticed which, it was felt, was due to the implementation of the Under-Occupancy Welfare Reform provisions (Bedroom Tax). 




·                It appeared that no day to day problems were being caused by the IT (Information Technology) which was being used to support the new policy. 




·                It was accepted that the risks associated with implementation needed to be managed carefully and measures were being put in place to monitor these on a monthly basis.




·                All sheltered accommodation was allocated for those aged over 60 and no changes were planned in this respect.




·                The policy allowed for medical need to be assessed and attempts were made to ensure that appropriate offers of accommodation were made to those with particular requirements.  It should be borne in mind though, that the Council had to work with the housing stock available, so it might not be possible to locate the elderly and disabled near to their family or support networks.  Having said that, efforts were always made to find the best match possible in terms of accommodation and area.  It should also be noted that there was a budget for adaptations where appropriate.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Jasper South for his contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report and the responses to questions;




(c)        recognises that the Implementation of the Allocations Policy is at an early stage; and




(d)       requests that:-




(i)      an update report on the Implementation of the Allocations Policy be presented to the Committee in 6 months’ time, to include examples of how the associated risks had been managed; and




(ii)     local tenant representatives, who had been involved in the consultation process, be invited to the Committee meeting at which the above update report was to be presented.


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