Agenda item

Public Questions

To receive any questions from members of the public.



Public Question Concerning Personal Health Budgets




Professor Pam Enderby asked a question concerning changes to personal health budgets, including who was leading and managing the changes and in relation to the budgetary split.




Tim Furness, Director of Business, Planning and Partnerships, Clinical Commissioning Group, responded that people who receive funding through NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) have the right to ask for a Personal Health Budget (PHB) from April 2014, and to have a PHB from October 2014.




Kevin Clifford, Chief Nurse, was leading the implementation of the arrangements relating to the introduction of PHBs. The NHS Clinical Commissioning Group was responsible for the implementation.




In relation to split budgets, there were a number of patients who receive care jointly funded from both health and social care budgets. Tim Furness commented that the Clinical Commissioning Group and the City Council would need to join up processes so that PHBs are integrated for those patients.




The implementation of PHBs was also related to integration of health and social care. There was not, as yet, a protocol for PHBs but one would be developed. He suggested that Professor Enderby speaks further with Kevin Clifford.




Public Question Concerning Public Health Grant




Mr Peter Hartley asked that a written response also be provided to his questions, which were as follows:-




1.    What was the Public Health Grant for 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15;




2.    What were the four activities organised by the Board for 2013-14 and how much did each of these activities cost;




3.    What are the four activities, with dates, planned for 2014-15; and




4.    How is Healthwatch Sheffield funded and does it come out of the Public Health Grant?




Dr Tim Moorhead (Chair) responded to Mr Hartley, stating that the information which he had requested would be provided to him in writing and the written information would also be published with the minutes and documents for this meeting of the Board.