Agenda item

Applications Under Various Acts/Regulations

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



RESOLVED: That (a) the applications now submitted for permission to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Regulations made thereunder and for consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1989, be decided as shown in the minutes of this meeting, and the requisite notices issued; the granting of any permission or consent shall not constitute approval, permission or consent by this Committee or the Council for any other purpose;



(b) having noted (i) an additional representation commenting on the application and the development site, as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (ii) an oral representation on behalf of the applicant at the meeting in support of the development, an application for planning permission for an Advanced Manufacturing and Research Centre, comprising B1(b) Advanced Manufacturing and Research space, ancilliary offices and amenities, car parking, replacement car parking, access and landscaping at land at Sheffield City Heliport (Case No. 14/00321/FUL) be granted, conditionally, subject to the completion of a Legal Agreement and clearance by the Secretary of State;




(c) having noted the receipt of a petition containing 41 signatures objecting to the proposed development and that it was subject to a legal agreement, as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, an application for planning permission for the erection of 5 dwellinghouses on land between 574 and 582 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge (Case No. 14/00029/OUT) be granted, conditionally, subject to (i) an additional condition being attached requiring the developer to undertake the effective cleaning of vehicles accessing the construction site, as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report and (ii) the completion of a legal agreement; and




(d) having (i) noted (A) an amendment to the report now submitted in respect of (1) the former low rise student accommodation (Page 66, Paragraph 3) and (2) confirming that 12 houses would be built on the proposed crescent (Page 81, paragraph 7), and (B) an additional representation commenting on the proposed development and the officer’s response, all as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (ii) heard three oral representations at the meeting objecting to the proposed development and an oral representation on behalf of the applicant in support of the development, an application for planning permission for the demolition of Halls of Residence, Annexe building and 30 and 38 Taptonville Road, the erection of 97 residential units in two, three and four storey buildings and conversion of Hadow House and the Coach House to form 10 apartments with associated car parking and landscaping on land at Crookes Road and Taptonville Road/Crookes Road (Case No. 13/02948/FUL) be granted, conditionally, subject to (i) the completion of a legal agreement and (ii) an additional condition being attached to require all houses on the development site to be constructed in a natural stone material to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.



(NOTE Councillors Trevor Bagshaw and David Baker voted against the decision to grant planning permission for an application for planning permission for the demolition of Halls of Residence, Annexe building and 30 and 38 Taptonville Road, the erection of 97 residential units in two, three and four storey buildings and conversion of Hadow House and the Coach House to form 10 apartments with associated car parking and landscaping on land at Crookes Road and Taptonville Road/Crookes Road (Case No. 13/02948/FUL) and asked for their votes to be recorded accordingly).


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