Agenda item

Proposed Conversion of a Public Footpath Linking Watersmeet Road to Thoresby Road, Walkley into a Shared Use Footpath/Cycle Track

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report seeking authority to refer the Cycle Track Order relating to Watersmeet Road to Thoresby Road to the Secretary of State for Transport with a request to confirm the Order with a modified path width.




The report stated that, on 27th March 2012, the former West and North Planning and Highways Committee gave authority to process a cycle track order required to convert the footpath between Watersmeet Road and Thoresby Road, Walkley, into a shared footpath/cycle track.




On 25th October 2012, the City of Sheffield (Thoresby Road to Watersmeet Road) Cycle Tracks Order 2012 (“the Cycle Track Order”) was made, and was duly advertised and placed ‘on deposit’ for public inspection, as per the Cycle Tracks Regulations 1984.




In response to this, two objections were received. One had subsequently been withdrawn but the other remained. Thus, the Council did not have the power to confirm the Order as unopposed, necessitating that the matter be referred to the Secretary of State in order to be progressed.




The remaining objection was from the Byways and Bridleways Trust, a national organisation which was a statutory consultee for such Orders. The objection was on the grounds that the width of the footpath was insufficient to have cyclists on it whilst retaining pedestrian safety.




After some further discussion with them it became apparent that, unfortunately, due to an error, the Schedule to the Order had been published stating the current width of the path (a varying width from point A to B between 1.5 metres to 2 metres”) instead of the proposed new width of 3 metres on that section.




In subsequent informal discussions explaining the situation, the objector had indicated that, if the Order were to be modified to quote the correct proposed width, then he would be happy to accept and agree to the proposal.




However, once an Order of this type had been made, the Council did not have the power to modify it in any way. Any modification required to address concerns raised in an objection must be made by the Secretary of State, after referral of the matter to him by the Council.




RESOLVED: That the Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to submit the City of Sheffield (Thoresby Road to Watersmeet Road) Cycle Tracks Order 2012 to the Secretary of State for Transport for modification and confirmation.


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