Agenda item

Petition in respect of Banner Cross/Ecclesall Road Proposed Parking Meter Scheme

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining the receipt of a petition concerning the proposed pay and display parking scheme on Ecclesall Road at Banner Cross district centre. The petition requested that additional public consultation is conducted before the proposed experimental introduction of the scheme. The report set out the background to the petition and makes recommendations accordingly.









a decision on the scheme be deferred pending further investigation and discussions, the outcomes of which are to be reported back to a subsequent meeting prior to any scheme being progressed; and






the lead petitioner and affected parties are informed of the outcome of the meeting and the decision.





Reasons for Decision




The petitioners request can be accommodated as part of the development process for the scheme at only minor cost, and can allow for changes to the scheme to be considered to mitigate for any local concerns.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Declining the petitioners’ request for additional consultation was considered. Petitioners would still have opportunity to comment on the scheme as part of the statutory process laid out by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996. In this particular instance, this would be for a six month period, during which the scheme would be introduced experimentally when comments can be made and considered in light of practical experience of the operation of the scheme.




Approve the recommendations as outlined in the report.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining the receipt of a petition concerning the proposed pay and display parking scheme on Ecclesall Road at Banner Cross district centre. The petition requested that additional public consultation was conducted before the proposed experimental introduction of the scheme. The report set out the background to the petition and made recommendations accordingly.




Saskia Palmer, a resident of Banner Cross, attended the Session to make representations to the Cabinet Member. She commented that the issue had only been raised as a result of the concerns of a handful of traders in the area rather than the majority of businesses. She believed the consultation to be inadequate as it had been targeted at traders on a small section of Eccelsall Road and traders she had spoken to had commented that they were not presented with alternative options to the scheme proposed.




Ms. Palmer further commented that traffic surveys had been undertaken prior to the opening of the Sainsbury’s superstore in the area which had had an impact on traffic numbers. She therefore did not believe that this was a realistic survey of Banner Cross and further surveys should be undertaken. She had undertaken a survey in the area to which 200 people had responded. 83% of respondents believed that nothing should be done and only 1 person voted in favour of the proposals.




In response, John Bann, Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services informed the Cabinet Member that this had been a scheme developed as a result of a local Ward Member request to look at possible solutions to the problem. It was clear that traders and residents were concerned about the future of their local shops. It appeared that many residents were against the proposals and that there was limited off street parking in the area.




Nat Porter, Highways Officer, commented that the surveys had been undertaken in October 2013 and he considered them representative of the situation in the area. The pay and display would accommodate short stay parking.




Councillor Leigh Bramall stated that he did not believe he had enough information to proceed at this stage. He requested that the decision be deferred and a survey of businesses be undertaken in the area and clarification be sought of the current view of the local Ward Member who had previously contacted officers. A further report should then be submitted to a future Session and officers should liaise with the petitioners and local community organisations.









a decision on the scheme be deferred pending further investigation and discussions, the outcomes of which are to be reported back to a subsequent meeting prior to any scheme being progressed; and






the lead petitioner and affected parties are informed of the outcome of the meeting and the decision.





Reasons for Decision




The petitioners request can be accommodated as part of the development process for the scheme at only minor cost, and can allow for changes to the scheme to be considered to mitigate for any local concerns.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Declining the petitioners’ request for additional consultation was considered. Petitioners would still have opportunity to comment on the scheme as part of the statutory process laid out by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996. In this particular instance, this would be for a six month period, during which the scheme would be introduced experimentally when comments can be made and considered in light of practical experience of the operation of the scheme.




Approve the recommendations as outlined in the report.




Supporting documents: