Agenda item

Home to School Transport Appeals

Report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families



Discretionary Home to School Transport (Medical Grounds)




The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, submitted a report and commented upon a case where parents had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Executive Director with regard to the refusal to grant discretionary home to school transport, based on the medical needs of their child, and arising therefrom, it was:-




RESOLVED: That the appeal be not upheld on the grounds that the Committee considers that (a) the pupil’s medical circumstances are not exceptional as to warrant the award of discretionary transport from the home address to the school now mentioned and (b) as the family were in receipt of the higher rate mobility allowance, this would cover the cost of the provision of the transport. 




Home to School Travel Bus Passes




The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, submitted reports and commented upon two cases where parents had appealed against the administrative decisions made by the Executive Director with regard to the refusal to grant home to school travel bus passes.




The Committee gave consideration to all the supporting information and evidence provided by the pupils’ parents including, in Case No. CHA1, evidence and advice provided by voluntary or professional bodies and organisations and, arising therefrom, it was:-




RESOLVED: That (a) one appeal be upheld on the grounds that there are exceptional social circumstances in the case (Case No. C/F1); and




(b)  consideration of the remaining appeal be deferred to enable the Executive Director to seek further information on the case, specifically relating to the establishments attended by the pupil and the pupil’s family’s financial circumstances (Case No. CHA1).




(NOTE: The appeal in Case No. PW/AC1 was withdrawn from consideration by the Committee, at the request of the pupil’s parents.)