Agenda item

Work Programme 2014/15

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Committee received a report of Matthew Borland, Policy and Improvement Officer, which set out potential topics for the Committee to consider for the 2014/15 Work Programme.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       approves the Work Programme as detailed in the report, subject to the Challenge for Change item on grass cutting being included on the agenda for the Committee meeting to be held on 25th September 2014; and




(b)       requests that:-




(i)       the item scheduled for the Committee’s January 2015 meeting on the Private Rented Sector includes reference to the changing nature of that sector;




(ii)      the report on Domestic Violence to be considered at the Committee’s November 2014 meeting includes an ethnic group breakdown; and




(iii)     any Committee Members wishing to join the proposed Task Group, set up by the Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee, on “House Building and the Local Economy”, contact Matthew Borland, Policy and Improvement Officer.


Supporting documents: