Agenda item

Annual Scrutiny Reporting Process

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Head of Elections, Equalities and Involvement submitted a report on a proposed change to the annual scrutiny reporting process.




The report indicated that, as the six-monthly scrutiny update had historically been presented to the January full Council meeting, details on scrutiny activity for the period January to April were currently not reported anywhere.  It had therefore been proposed that, a more appropriate way to comprehensively report scrutiny activity and achievements was to produce an annual scrutiny report at the end of each Municipal Year, to be presented to full Council, at its first appropriate meeting of the new Municipal Year.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the report now submitted; and




(b)       approves the proposed change in terms of the annual scrutiny reporting process, as detailed in the report now submitted.


Supporting documents: