Agenda item

Objections to Tree Preservation Order No. 395: Totley Lane Bridleway, off Longford Road, Totley

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report outlining his response to the objections received to Tree Preservation Order No.395 which had been made on 16 July, 2014 in respect of 20 trees on land at Totley Lane Bridleway, off Longford Road, Totley.  The report stated that the Order had been made as the trees were at risk due to a tree surgeon reporting a request made by a resident adjoining the lane, to fell one of the larger trees at the height of the garden boundary hedge.




It was considered that these trees make a significant contribution to the amenity of the local environment and its enjoyment by the public.  They are visible from surrounding streets as well as the Totley Lane public bridleway, and are an essential component of the character of this historic route.




The Order and Tree Evaluation Method For Preservation Orders was attached as appendices to the report now submitted.



The Committee heard representations from an objector speaking against the Order.




RESOLVED:  That following consideration of the objections, as now reported, Tree Preservation Order No. 395 at Totley Lane Bridleway, off Longford Road, Totley be confirmed unmodified.


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