Agenda item

Briefing on Preparedness for Winter and the Ebola Virus

Report of the Co-Chairs of the Health and Wellbeing Board.




The Board considered a report of the Co-Chairs of the Board which provided a briefing on preparedness for winter and the Ebola Virus. The report summarised issues relating to preparedness for winter for health and social care services. This included national resilience funding to provide additional resources to target admissions avoidance and to streamline the admissions process with major providers of healthcare. There were also some complimentary projects that were often community based, which aimed to keep people well and reduce the demand on GPs and hospitals. Additional funds specifically focused on achieving the 4-hour Accident and Emergency target had been allocated to Sheffield Teaching and Sheffield Children’s Hospitals by NHS England.




The Surge Planning Group, a sub-group of the System Resilience Group, had been established to facilitate knowledge of winter plans and understanding of interdependencies across the system by the respective health and social care organisations.




In respect of social care, there was a joint business continuity plan between the City Council, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Primary and Community Services and Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust and Continuing Health Care to support existing service users and vulnerable people. Care homes had individual contingency plans in the event of an enforced emergency closure or evacuation. In relation to prevention and early intervention, Community Support Workers would liaise with GPs to identify vulnerable people and if necessary, refer them to support. The Workers would also manage a network of volunteers to support frail and vulnerable older people with no access to formal or family support. The report outlined other aspects of winter preparedness relating to social care.




The report also provided a briefing on the Ebola Virus outbreak in West Africa. Sheffield CCG and the Foundation Trusts had taken part in an exercise to test the preparedness of health services and partners for dealing with a case of Ebola and the wider consequences for communities. The Royal Hallamshire Hospital Infectious Diseases department was one of the 4 High Level Isolation Centres across the country that could, if required, receive a case of Ebola. South Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum had discussed Ebola preparedness and Public Health England had produced information and guidance.




Resolved: that the Health and Wellbeing Board receives the report and thanks those, especially volunteers, who will support the frail and unwell over the winter period.


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